So, a lot has gone on since I last wrote you all...obviously. I had told you last month that Bass has closed, and I was jobless. That lasted like two weeks until I was sick of beating every XBox game that I had and doing nothing, so I went out and actually applied a bunch of places (yeah, that was a play on words), and now I'm working at Express. Selling clothes. Again. I can't say I love every second of it, and it's not Bass, but it's certainly a job, and I'm making the best of it. And plus, I get to dress super fly every day, and we all know how much I love to look super fly.
This has been such a weird Summer for me. I've had so many ups and downs, and I've met a bunch of interesting people along the way, and developed some pretty cool relationships, some that have fizzled out to nothing, and some that I know are gonna last for a while. All in all, it's been interesting. I've been trying to figure out how to do me, not like in a masturbating way, but in a way that I'm trying to figure out the type of person I need to be to make myself happy.
So I've been working on that a lot, and I've learned a lot of things along the way. I know I always leave my big life changes so vauge to you guys, so I'll list out some of the key points that I've learned over the summer right here.
Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket: Seriously, I mean, what happens if you drop that basket? Then you have no eggs at all. It's best to spread out your eggs in multiple places, just in case something happens to them. I mean, I take my eggs pretty seriously.
Just a dumb idea. Not even practical.
But seriously, I've had a lot going on this Summer, and I've definitely learned that it's best to not get heart set on one option, while ignoring others, because you never know what could happen.
Sometimes Letting Go Is The Best Option: I've learned a lot this Summer about letting go. I let go of my 3-year relationship with no real options other than it wasn't working. However, letting go was one of the best things I've done for myself, and it's made me realize that sometimes you just have to let go. And shit sucks, trust me, it's not easy, and it's not fun. But like, in the long run, it's made me a better person, and happier.
You'll Never Get Anywhere if You Don't Act On Your Feelings: Feelings are an interesting concept. We don't really control them, sometimes they make us hate life, and they come and go like the weather. However, we've all been in the position where we have feelings for someone, and we're too much of a puss to do anything about it. Well, that's dumb and I'm so guilty of it. I'm getting there in terms of self expression, and being able to be comfortable enough with people to let my feelings out, and that's a big step. So, if you're in the same boat out there, stick with it, you'll get it.
Accept Change: Change happens. It's such an integral part of life, and if you're like me, you spend half your life avoiding it and running away from it. I've lived in the same apartment for two years now and moved my room around zero times. I'm not a creature who just accepts change. However, change can be an amazing thing. I'm finally looking to accept changes in my life, and embrace them. It's a huge step in the grand scheme of things, but it's making me so much happier. I'm ready. Maybe someday I'll move my room around.
So that's a few of the bigger points that I've taken in over the course of this Summer. If anyone reading this is in the same boat on any of these, I hope I at least gave you a little help, or let you know that you're not the only one out there that thinks that way. School is right around the corner, and I'm hoping to take these lessons with me, and grow with them.
I'll try and get more regular with this again, and hopefully it won't be a month before you hear from me again. I hope you all enjoyed your Summer, and here's a little bit of Chad Stokes to take us out. Peace and love bitches.