Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bags of Douche

Surprise surprise, I didn't die. Sorry to all the none of you reading this, I know my lack of constant information about my life had a super cereal effect on your life.

So what's new with me? Well, thanks for asking, not much really. Things really haven't changed for better or worse since I last vomited words onto here. I'm still on a mission to just live my fucking life and make myself happy. That's much easier said than done though. There's a lot of things I'm still trying to change, and a lot of things that are totally out of my control, however, it's a big work in progress.

I guess the only thing I can do is just keep trying. At this point, I'm still pretty lost, but fuck man, I'm 22, if I had direction, I suppose that'd be a miracle. So really, I'm a work in progress, and I'm okay with that. I may not be the perfect guy out there who always knows what to say and says the right thing, but I'm me, and that's fucking awesome.

So I suppose I should just continue where I left off with this photo stuff.

Day Eleven
A picture of something you hate
Seriously, I try not to hate anything, and I really don't want to group everyone together, so if you're reading this, don't take offense to my misguided hate. But seriously, some people these days are fucking ridiculous. Like, what happened in our American society where we stopped idolizing people who actually made a difference in our world, and started to drool over people like Snooki and Mike Vick.

Now, it's a well known fact that I was born like 20 years too late, I'm a child of the past. I mean, fuck, they were simpler times where people actually respected and listened to great music, and the rights movements were in full swing. Call me crazy, but that's a great time.

On the subject of music with people, I hate it when a modern artist samples or covers a classic song, and everyone either thinks that the modern artist came up with the idea themselves, or everyone suddenly jumps on the bandwagon of the original artist. I'm drawing a blank right now on a solid example right now, but I may come back and add one.

I think that's just one of my biggest pet peeves though, musical ignorance. I can be a prick about it, but music has played such an incredible part of our culture, and helped us grow to where we are today. I'm ranting, and no one wants that, but this is the kind of shit that goes through my head every day.

The way that some people deal with shit bothers me too. At this age, we're all adults, and when adults have a problem with someone or something, they need to fucking deal with it and not just get pissed about it. Shit just pisses me off. But hey, I'm done ranting, and I probably wouldn't have gone off on any of this if this dumb photo thing didn't suggest it. So end rant.

Everyone have an awesome day, and I promise to at least try and get better at this

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Master Bates

Seriously life? Cut me like a little slack here. Just a wee bit.

It's been like one thing on top of another recently. I'm getting through though, little by little. I just wish everything could go back to normal, that's like all I want. I've never been a fan of normalcy, and I always try and fuck up the status quo, however, all I want is my shit to go back to normal.

The internetz is not really the place to call people out on making my life suck, but hey, you know who you are, and you can seriously step back and fuck your own face.

Photo shit.

Day Ten
A person you do the most fucked up shit with

Matt Bates and I probably have the worst ideas together, and are just straight up trouble. Matt's a lot more badass than I am (I mean, seriously, he's a fucking Marine). So his bad ideas suck me in and together they become worse ideas.

Matt and I were always trouble in high school, but when I got to college, he got worse. I'll never forget (or never remember) the time he rolled up to Framingham State with literally a trunk full of liquor and cases of beer. Like full. Or the time where he, Nicole Houle, Emily M, and I went to the Natick Collection and Nicole and I got trashed off of water bottles and malibu. Rt. 9, please forgive us.

Matt's a crazy kid with a huge heart, and I hope he's being safe and smart overseas right now. Soon enough, I'll have my partner in crime back. Until then, I'll just have to plan for his epic return.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Two and a Half Men

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! At this point, I know I'm a little late on the warm wishes, but hey if you're really celebrating the holiday, you're still out drinking (or you passed out because you started drinking this morning). I won't trouble you with my troubles or lack thereof in this post, straight to this visual stimulation that is the 30 day photo challenge.

Day Nein
A picture of the person that has gotten you through the most
That's right bitches. Breaking the rules once again. I couldn't single out just one person that has gotten me through stuff, especially recently. So, let's just go left to right on this shit.

Jackie: What to say about Jackie. What a strange relationship we have. Sometimes I fucking hate her, but most of the time I absolutely adore her. We're the oddest of couples, but I confide every bit of me in that girl. She knows more about me than most people do...only some of which is my choosing...but at this point I really wouldn't have it any other way. Jackie has been there for me when things have been the worst, and helped me through a lot recently. Here's a girl who's always down for a good heart to heart, and tells it like it is, no matter what. So hey, if you read this, thank you Jackie, for everything, and I really appreciate it. I love you babygirl :)

Nick: I know I just wrote a whole fucking blog about how funny Nick is, but what isn't funny is how much Nick is there for me. Nick's helped me through the worst of times in his own way. We're each others devils advocate. We're the ying to each others yang. So, naturally, we butt heads on multiple occasions. As much as we argue and disagree, we're there for each other, and Nick has certainly been there for me when I need it. He has a very unique way of showing it, but once you get down to it, there's not a person in this world who cares about others more than this asshole. Thanks guy.

Amanda: I could write a book at this point about how much Amanda has gotten me through. We've been through everything together, and at this point, it's hard to think of a memory that doesn't involve her. We've been through it all. Amanda is the one person who no matter what I know I can talk to about anything in my life, and she'll get it. There's not a person out there who understands me like this girl. We fight, like everyone, and we have our differences, but there's no one out there who has gotten me through more than her. I can't even start to thank you, Amanda, for all the things you've done. Through thick and thin girl, I love you. And thank you for being there.

So, there you have it, internet. Peace out, bitches!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Nick Joke

Oh life, you silly bitch. Cut me just a little slack here.

Things have been tough recently, I'm wearing down on my strong front, and I know it's not easy, and I never thought it would be. Parts of me want to just throw in the towel and walk away from all this, cut my losses, and just start anew. But that's not going to happen. I know that everything that I'm working to get back is totally worth it, and there's no way I can give up now.

I've made some mistakes, and I know I can't expect immediate results from anything, but sometimes that's my retarded nature. Sometimes I'm just an outrageous asshole. I know though what I'm doing is right. I can't walk away from this. Maybe I'm too stubborn. Maybe I'm not.

All I know is that I'm going to make this whole fucking world my bitch before I give up on this.


Anywhoosies, let's do this photoshiz.
Day Ate
A picture that makes you laugh

So originally when I had read the requirements for my picture of today, late last night, I thought it said a person that makes you laugh, so I was going to write about Nick. Buttt, strangely enough I chose this picture of Nick and I, which I think is hilarious.

So, because I think it's dumb to write about why I think this picture is funny, I'm going to break the rules and tell you about why I think Nick is funny.

Nick and I have been very close friends since high school, where we were both awkward teenagers. We didn't really start hanging out until college, where we both had went our separate ways. We both went off and discovered alcohol (see above). So, our hangouts got more ridiculous. Nick never fails to have a one liner in him, and is one of the most punny guys that I know. 

Very quick witted with his dry sense of humor, he always gets a laugh out of me. We compliment each other too in that aspect, where my jokes are offensive, and Nicks'...aren't. I don't know what I'd do without Nick making me laugh, and I hope his cheer and retarded sense of humor never flee him. 

Since I know you're one of the few people who read this Nurk Nurturn, this one's for you guy :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

This one is gonna be all short and sweet like, because I really have nothing to say today, and I'm exhausted.

So here's that picture shit.

Day Seven
A picture of your most treasured item

My guitar. It is hands down my most treasured item. My nameless,  kickass, acoustic guitar. Music is an incredibly integral part of my life, and my guitar allows me to express that. I love just sitting down and being able to just rock out and jam for hours. 
So yeah, like I said, short today, but I heart my guitar.

Monday, March 14, 2011


So I may have missed a few days on this ol' thang hurr, but that's what a weekend does. Oh well. And to top it off,  fuck daylight savings. That blew.

I've been thinking about the past a lot lately, which I know isn't always healthy, but I'm not trying to live in the past. I've been thinking about who I was back then, and what has made me who I am today. I'm a fairly firm believer (and a pretty firm Belieber) that everything happens for a reason, and I suppose that the past few months of my life have been no exception to this.

I certainly fucked things up for myself and made it pretty hard to get to where I want to be, but the process of getting there has made me a better person. I'm not saying that if I could go back, I'd do it all over again. I'd definitely change a few things. But those decisions that I made have helped make me who I am today. A person, who I believe, is a better man.

Anyways, as always I'm classified as a work in progress and I'm going to keep at it. So here's to that.

So yeah, I missed a few days on my picture thing, but rather than put a bunch at once, I'm just going to keep going on a day by day basis regardless. So here we go...

Day Six
A person you'd like to trade places with for a day

Charlie Sheen.
I know a lot of people have been doing this guy, but seriously, why not just fucking WIN for a day. I'm not saying I aspire to be him, or want to live up to his standards of winning, or have tigerblood, but seriously, wouldn't it be fun to be just fucking batshit crazy for a day.

Nothing real deep here, I just think it'd be a great fucking experience.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

So Get Up Girl And Let Them Know You're Free

Herro interneters. I almost just typed a question asking how everyone is, but I realize that this isn't an actual conversation. Well, it could be, it's just very one-sided.

Over the course of the past few months, I've done a lot of growing, and not just my beard. I feel like a better person than I've been in the past, and I've developed a real drive to just do good in the world and try and leave a positive impression on the people I interact with. Right now, I'm not where I want to be with everything that's been going on, but even if I don't get there, I'm happy knowing that I've improved who I am.

I'm trying. I really am. And honestly, it's probably the most effort I've put into anything I've ever done. But I know the end result that I'm trying to reach is totally worth it. So I'm not giving up, even though I'm happy with who I am. I guess that's my little life lesson of the day. And hey, I know what I'm doing is worth it, and that's all that matters.

Onto the pictures.

Day Five
A picture of your favorite memory
I'd say my Alternative Break Tour (II) with State Radio and Calling All Crows was probably one of my favorite memories.

I'll never forget the people I met on this tour, and the service that we did was so empowering and really made me feel like I was making a difference. I would go back and do it again in a heartbeat. Getting to hang out with this crazy group of people, do a service project, go see State Radio and John Butler Trio every night, and then hang with the band, was just fucking awesome.

The week I spent on ABT and Calling All Crows was definitely one of my favorite memories. However, and I know this is cheating for doing this...

The week before my ABT, I was in Cancun, and that wins for best memory. The time spent down there with Amanda and her family was certainly the most fun I've had. Yeah, it was 110 degrees every day, but the beer flowed like water, and I was with my favorite person.

It wasn't so much going out in Mexico and doing things, hell, we barely left the hotel, but it is by far my favorite memory. It was a week where there wasn't a frown on my face and I was happy the entire time (maybe because I was drunk most of it).

Above any memory, this one reigns supreme, and I would do it again in a second, but only with the same people.

Well there you go, you got a two-for today. Don't get greedy for the next one.

Peace out bitches and hoes, not wizards and trolls.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No Pressure, Whatever, It's Like Walking On the Beach

So reader(s) out there, be impressed that I'm actually keeping up with this. I usually lose interest pretty fast. Granted it is only day four of these shenanigans, but hey, I'm patting myself on the back.

I don't really have a lengthy life update for you all today, but I do have "Money For Nothing" stuck in my head, so here's that:

Onto this photo-erotic experience.

Day Four
A picture of your favorite night
August 6, 2008. This wasn't hard to decide at all. This was an amazing night where Amanda and I saw Jack Johnson. Seeing Jack Johnson was an awesome experience in itself, and I would love to see him again, however, this night set the tone for the rest of my life, and started something incredible.
This also goes on record as one of the first nights Amanda didn't totally hate me before Summer of 2008. Before that I was the loser who she had to drive to work with the goofy hair (pictured one of the the previous posts). Not that I wasn't still a goofball, but look at that face...that's a mans face.

Anyways, that night is most certainly my favorite night, and I would love to relive it, and wouldn't change a thing.

Keep on keepin' on errybody.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Not Lupus

So, fuck a duck it's already Tuesday of this Spring break.  Thank god I decided to vacation on the Cape this March, at the scenic outlet mall in Sagamore. Bass is such a lovely way to spend my time. Other than a lackluster Spring Break, I'm fairly happy in life right now, and thankful to not be in school this week. Sorry BSU, you're just not cutting it right now.

I do love Bridgewater, and I love living up in East Bridgewater, but there's something about that place that drives me fucking nuts sometimes. However, I have met some of the coolest people and built some amazing friendships up there (no offense Frammers,  I still have a special spot for you...somewhere). I'm just looking to move on with this part of my life I suppose.

Things are going well though, I'm still trying to get my life back together right where I want it, and I'm giving my 100% with that right now, and hey, I guess that's all I can do.

So onto this debacle of an idea I had.

Day Tree.
A picture of the cast of your favorite TV show

House. This was a no-brainer. This is one show that I never fail to miss, and own every season on DVD. Not only do I love this show, I have amazing memories of watching this show. This became a routine for Amanda and I before bed, where we'd put on House and just fall asleep watching it. And I think that's awesome.

Not only that, but House has some great plots and twists and I don't know if I could ever get sick of it. So hey, there you go Day 3 of this crap. House MD. Favorite Show.


If I was Richard, I'd Still Be With Her

So I wrote a fairly lengthy blog yesterday so, I'm just gonna get straight to the point tonight with this photo challenge bullshit

Day Two, Mother Fucker
A photo of you and the person you've been closest with the longest

Matt Bates. I don't know anyone that I haven't dated that I've had so many ups and downs with. From middle school to current day, this kid remains one of my best friends, and we constantly make each other laugh. One memory that stands out would have to be April Fools Day, 2004, where we turned Karen Spinale's teeth blue in a very elaborate plot.

Even today, with Matt in Afghanistan, we still talk like he's right next door, laughing and having a golly good time. So yeah, that's Matt Bates.

Peace out bitches.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Outvasion of Privacy

Well I haven't written on here in forever, so I decided that I'm going to force myself to make it a habit. Life has been pretty interesting lately. I guess one way of looking at it is that if I categorize myself on the same standards as Charlie Sheen, I guess I'm winning.

I'm becoming far too much of a regular at Tommy Doyle's in Hyannis, and by regular I mean every time I go there I can only remember entering, never leaving. I just had my Friday night recapped to me thanks to these devil drinks called "Adios Motherfucker", which tasted exactly like rocket pops. Also, the man rule of Tommy Doyle's, well, at least among the assholes I hang out with, is if you fuck up, you get a warm shot of gin. Well I fucked up, so fuck you Matt for buying me that shot, and sorry Tommy Doyle's for breaking your glass.

But enough regaling in the days of yesteryear. As I stated earlier, life is going alright, things could be better, I'm working on being me and trying to make myself happy. It's not an easy task these days, but hey, life could be worse. I suppose I'm just in my work in progress stage, and if anyone reading this wants to help point my life in a fun direction, bring that shit on.

So, after watching my news feed blow up with those 30 Day Picture Bullshit, I decided that, fuck it, I wanna do it. However, I hate posting stuff to my FB that no one cares about...except for this I'm doing it here.

Day One...bitch
A picture of you with ten facts
1) I have no idea what I want to do with my life, other than knowing that I want to help people and do something with music.
2) My favorite movie is Armageddon, and I cry almost every time I watch it.
3) I've worked at the Bass Outlet for about 6 years now.
4) I love to sing, and I do it everywhere. Especially in the car. Dancing included.
5) I also love to play guitar and over the past few years it has really become a passion of mine.
6) My favorite soda is grape.
7) I love food, moreover,  I love to eat, however, being a college student does not make for the most interesting meals. Seriously though I am a fat kid trapped in the body of a child. Not to dwell on this one, but I could totally watch the Food Network for hours. Fuck I love food.
8) I love naps too, adding to my child-like demeanor. Seriously though I get cranky if I don't take at least one solid nap a day.
9) I'm seriously addicted to coffee, which I guess is better than like cocaine, but still, it's like a pot a day kinda deal.
10) I love plaid. Period.

Alright, so that's that, maybe I'll keep with up with this, maybe I won't. Rock on world.