Things have been tough recently, I'm wearing down on my strong front, and I know it's not easy, and I never thought it would be. Parts of me want to just throw in the towel and walk away from all this, cut my losses, and just start anew. But that's not going to happen. I know that everything that I'm working to get back is totally worth it, and there's no way I can give up now.
I've made some mistakes, and I know I can't expect immediate results from anything, but sometimes that's my retarded nature. Sometimes I'm just an outrageous asshole. I know though what I'm doing is right. I can't walk away from this. Maybe I'm too stubborn. Maybe I'm not.
All I know is that I'm going to make this whole fucking world my bitch before I give up on this.
Anywhoosies, let's do this photoshiz.
Day Ate
A picture that makes you laugh
So originally when I had read the requirements for my picture of today, late last night, I thought it said a person that makes you laugh, so I was going to write about Nick. Buttt, strangely enough I chose this picture of Nick and I, which I think is hilarious.
So, because I think it's dumb to write about why I think this picture is funny, I'm going to break the rules and tell you about why I think Nick is funny.
Nick and I have been very close friends since high school, where we were both awkward teenagers. We didn't really start hanging out until college, where we both had went our separate ways. We both went off and discovered alcohol (see above). So, our hangouts got more ridiculous. Nick never fails to have a one liner in him, and is one of the most punny guys that I know.
Very quick witted with his dry sense of humor, he always gets a laugh out of me. We compliment each other too in that aspect, where my jokes are offensive, and Nicks'...aren't. I don't know what I'd do without Nick making me laugh, and I hope his cheer and retarded sense of humor never flee him.
Since I know you're one of the few people who read this Nurk Nurturn, this one's for you guy :)
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