Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All You Need Is Love

Well, I lied again. I fell off the blog wagon. However, looking at my stats on this shit, some people are actually reading what I have to say, so that's pretty cool. So now that I have an audience (or at least my stats say I do, I'm still convinced no one reads this) maybe I'll be more motivated to keep this up.

Before I start my usual bitching, here's a hilarious picture I just found while stumbling.
 So yeah, I think that's fucking hilarious.

Onto the bitching. kasdjdjflksdjfksdjfl;sd That's been my general mood lately. That exact series of letters. Shit's got me stressed out, but I'm keeping my head up. I feel like there's really no sense in getting down about things. All it does it put me in a bad mood, which I try to never be in. Life is way more fun with a smile on your face.

So, taking that in mind, I'm really trying to not let things bother me. Even though there is plenty around me that makes me want to kick a puppy, but I would never, because puppies are fucking adorable. Also, did you know that there are such things as "toygers". That's right, internet. A fucking cat and a tiger mixed together. Check out this cutegasm.

I'm all over the place tonight, clearly. But I guess that's where I want to be. Right now, I'm just doing what I want, living life, smiling, and having an awesome time just being Chris Daly, and if you don't like it, you can fuck yourself. I'm me, and I'm having fun, expanding my horizons, trying to get out there in this scary ass world of ours. But I'm doing it with a fucking smile, and that's all that matters.


Day Twelve
A picture of something you love


Seriously, I'm cheating hardcore on this one, and the picture really has nothing to do with what I like, besides the fact that I absolutely LOVE this picture. Plus, I love the beach, I love summer, and I loved my dog, Sandy. She was the fucking coolest dog you will ever see.

Anyways, I really am in a lovey mood tonight, so yeah, I love everything. (except people, I mean, I can't go back on my last blog post). But like, if I were to rattle off some things I love in no, cuddling, my bed, sunny days, beer, ice cream, smiling, laughing, pictures, records, football, cardigans, plaid, really worn jeans, shoes, superheroes, Hugh Laurie, puppies, cats, friends....etc etc.

I could go on forever, and if I'm motivated, I might continue to add to that list. But seriously, life is too short to hate. Smiles all around tonight.

Everyone rock the fuck on.


MiscellanyEsq said...

Hey, I'm reading your blog! Keep up the good work!

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