It's the only option.
It's funny how fickle I've been lately about a lot of things. Well, not really funny, but it makes me think and wonder and chuckle. Sometimes I think I know exactly what I want and that idea is fucking set in stone, and then there are times where I have no idea what I'm doing, and I lose sight of what I thought I once wanted. As the Summer creeps towards the halfway point, I think I'm getting to a place that I really want to be at. I'm really content happy with the way that things are going.
Another thing that I sadistically find amusing (Other than the fact that these last two graf's I've written about shit being "funny", DMB's "Funny The Way It Is" has been playing on Pandora) is that I started this blog in such a weird point in my life. I had just "broken up" (or whatever you call breaking up when you're not really dating) with a fling that had ruined a relationship I was in, and was just starting to persue that previous relationship. I was in a fucked up place then. -Sidenote: I just went back and read some of my older posts and I kept shit brief back then, haha. I feel like I'm writing novellas now. Oh well, Deal <3 C - I really didn't know what to do with the whole situation, and I like to think that I have a much better grasp on what's going on now.
I know this isn't my usual blog post that's filled with me losing my shit about something, but it's all stuff that's on my mind and that I've been thinking about lately. It's interesting how one second you think you know exactly what you want, and then, the more you think about you, you know you want something entirely different. Maybe it's just because I'm still young and dumb. Who knows? -I just Google'd "young and dumb" to try and put a picture here, but it's legit all porn...can't say I'm surprised.-
I'm not saying that I totally know what I'm doing, or that I'm definitely doing the right thing, but I'm doing what will make me happy right now, and I think that's what matters. I mean, isn't that what life is all about? Being happy and making other people happy? I think I'll try that for a while. Like I've been saying, I'm gonna do me, but now I have some fucking direction. Let's do it.
Thanks for listening guys, I'll hit you with a good one that's not just an unbroken train of thought about my personal life after my drunken weekend of fun. Peace out, and everyone have an awesome Fourth!
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