So, as I sit here on a lonely Wednesday eve, passing time time with the occasional beer and Madden (Mom - read: homework and studying), I think, Self, why not write a blog. To that, I retort, Well, Chris, because no one fucking cares about your mundane life, to which I get into a heated argument with myself, eventually telling myself to fuck off and do it anyways.
So let's just fucking dive right in here. This semester has already started off being one of the most interesting experiences of my college career, mainly because of how fucked up my shit was going into it. For the first time--mind you, I'm in my first part of my two-year Senior plan--in my college career, I'm actually enjoying all of my classes and getting something out of all of them. Except biology, which can suck a dick. Other than that, school is fucking wonderful.
But honestly, who wants to read about my "life" at Bridgewater State University? No one. So let's get into the real shit. Ever since the Fall, I've been going through somewhat of a transitional phase in my life, where, frankly, I really haven't been myself. For the first time in months, I'm starting to feel like me again. It's kind of like that scene in the movie where the hero comes back to save the day after everyone thought he shit the bed or whatever. Like this!
Or maybe not so epic. But still, here I am. And I'm not going anywhere. It feels real good to get my life back on track and start rebuilding the pieces of things that were really important to me that I lost sight of. It's a process, but I'm really looking forward to the ride. Hold on, bitches. I'm totally new at this blog bullshit, so I have no idea how to end this, or I'm going to leave you all (all fucking none of you who will read this) with my final thought:
Someone buy me a fucking capo. I'm sick of not being able to find mine. (EDIT: Not 5 minutes after writing this, I found my elusive capo. So whoops. But if anyone is looking to buy me a new guitar toy, I would love a box of these! /EDIT)
Peace out
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