Saturday, February 19, 2011

You Might Die Trying

How many times does a person have to say they're sorry for it to sink in, or perhaps, it's not about saying it at all, it's about what you do. So on that note, how much sense does it make to repeat an action or a series of actions over and over and expect different results?

No fucking sense. This Winter has been such a taxing period on my emotions, and like the long shitty Winter we're having this year, it's been a long shitty, and frigid emotional season. Hopefully Spring will come soon like that retarded groundhog suggests and with it, warm weather and warm emotions will be back in my life.

But I guess it's just a matter of how much patience one has to keep trying out there in this shitty world, but hey, that thing you're trying for could be the best thing that will ever happen to you, and shit man, you don't wanna fuck that up. But hey, on the flip side, you might die trying.

But seriously, who wants to read about me bitch? More seriously who is even fucking reading this? I figure to make up for my whining, I'll leave all (none) of you with this picture:


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