Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Like Your Beard

Why hello there world. I feel like you deserve more frequent postings, so that you shall get (for now). I've found time today in my busy life between playing Madden, watching YouTube videos (seriously, Jake and Amir is like crack), and playing Words with Friends (play me, you'll probably destroy me: ChristDaly) to give you all a little glimpse at what has been going on in my wonderful life.

Life has been pretty decent this week. It wasn't the blockbuster week that I expected, but I got a lot of shit done. Next week should be interesting, with me roommateless in the apartment, and only a few finals to keep me from spending the whole week drunk and fun. But let's see, what else is going on. Not a whole lot.

I got some interesting reactions to my last post regarding The Secret. Not so much interesting in nature, just interesting to me. A few of my closest friends who read this had told me that they think that is just what I need to set my life straight at this point. Positive thinking. And of course, there were those who thought the whole thing is a load of shit. Like I said, not that interesting, it basically mirrors the criticism that the book/movie relieved. However, it's interesting to me, so fuck you.

I hate to harp on one issue, but the concept still really intrigues me. The idea that just thinking positively will get me what I want. (maybe I should have thought more positively about the structure of that sentence...). It's just fascinating shit. And it's not that hard in practice. I've been keeping a smile on my face and an optimistic attitude about everything, and it all seems to be falling into place. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch here, but things do seem to be looking up.

Let's see, what else do I have to say today....My Red Sox beard is getting pretty manly right now. For those of you who don't know, I've been growing out my beard since the Sox season started, and have vowed not to cut it until they have a winning record. I fit in with all of the hockey fans and their playoff beards, except I don't give a shit about hockey. For your general amusement, here is the Sox Beard as of this morning:

I don't know whether or not I want the Sox to even try at this point...

So anyways, aside from The Secret and my beard, things are going just dandy. I'm at a good place right now, and I think I'm making the right decisions when it comes to the choices that are being presented to me. I had my last class of my first senior year today, which was kind of exciting. Tomorrow I have to present my PR work in front of an audience, but I'm gonna look super fly, so it's all good. If you're lucky I'll post pics.

Anyways, let's get this photo thing over with.

Day Seventeen:
A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

You! This whole blog thing has really had a significant impact on my life the past few months, and I'm really enjoying it. At first it was a chore to think of something to write about, and now it feels like I'm having a conversation with you guys (my imaginary audience) and I'm loving every second of it.

So yeah, this blog really has had a great impact on my life lately, and I can't wait to do more of it, and keep going. I really think it's fun and healthy, and I love it. So thanks everyone for reading and making me smile and letting me get everything off my chest to you. I know this is a very meta answer, posting about my blog on my blog, but hey, if the shoe fits. (LIKE A BASS).

I shall leave you, as I often do, with a song. Peace out, girl scouts.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Secret

Back to back posts, aren't you lucky. I'm in the writing mood right now, and I figured, why not? By the way, as a sidenote, I usually post a song of the day on Facebook every day or so, but lately, the copyright laws or some bullshit have not been letting my videos play. So, I want everyone to enjoy this song today. Why? Because I said so. Also also, I've added a new blog to my sidebar over there (<----) this girl is hilarious, and she makes me smile and chuckle, and has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers/vloggers, so check her out meow.

I heard something interesting today. I'm currently enrolled in a public speaking class, and we're required to give four speeches over the course of a semester. I've given an informative speech on the Darfur crisis, and two persuasive speeches thus far, one on the notion of bringing a bar to campus, and the other opposing the smoking ban at BSU. However, I'm not going to talk about those, because who really cares.

What really interests me is hearing everyone else speak on topics, and one topic specifically caught my attention today. Today, a girl in my class gave a speech on the book/movie "The Secret", and it really got me thinking. For those of you who have never heard of this before, I'll let wikipedia paraphrase the main point for you: " positive thinking can have life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness". Basically, if you think positively, positive things will happen to you.

Furthermore, as the speech went on to say, you can only attract the type of energy that you are giving out. For example, positive energy can only attract positive energy, and negative energy can only attract negative energy. This is the part that really made me think.What kind of energy am I giving out? And in turn, is that causing me to attract unwanted energy?

If only I were like Jubilee and could create awesome firework-y energy.

So really, that's what got me thinking, and made me wonder how I was living my life and what direction I was heading in. I'm usually a guy with a lot to complain about, as all of you know, but is that sending out the negative energy? I'm really interested in this, and if anyone has any thoughts or insights on this topic, I would love to hear about it.

Until I figure this shit out, I suppose I should focus on thinking positive thoughts, and trying to attract positive energy into my life. So I guess that's free regin to let my mind wander and dream big. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Lock up your daughters.

That's all I have to say about that. I have some time tonight, so I'll bless all of you with one of those pictures.

Day Sixteen:
A picture of someone who inspires you

Chad "Stokes" Urmston. This man really is an inspiration to me in so many ways. If you haven't heard of him, then you're clearly not listening to anything I talk about, one, and two, you're really missing out. Chad is a musician and activist, most known for being part of Dispatch and the front man of State Radio. He also co-founded the non-profit organization, Calling All Crows.

Everything Chad does is with an open heart, and I admire him for that. I could spend a day talking about his accomplishments and how he inspires me, but rather than do that, I urge you all to go out and learn about him and what he does and what he and his organization stand for. If you care or are interested in human rights, it's certainly worth some of your time.

Chad inspires me musically as well, as everything he does really speaks me, and just really rocks. I think I'll end this post with one of my favorite State Radio songs, which goes out to anyone out there with a heart. Take care, my children. PEACE.


Girl You Fancy

Whattup errybody. I hope everyone had a great Easter, or as I'll call it, Feaster, because all my fat ass did was eat. It's like Thanksgiving in the Spring, with food that's much worse for you. It just turned 1am, so I'm not sure what quality I'm going to produce for you all right now, but I feel like the time is right to vomit out some words. Some housekeeping shit, if you didn't notice, I put a little sidebar over to your left with some links in it, my FaceSpace and Twitter are there, and right now there's a blog my buddy Matt is starting that's right there, so click on it, read about his life, and either hate it or love it, I really don't care. Just check it, mang. I'll put more shit in that sidebar as the mood strikes me, so keep your eyes peeled.

I was going to make a joke about that expression, but this picture does a better job.

I hope that everyone had a super fantastic week, because I did. Which is awesome, because lately, it's been hit or miss for me. I think it's partially seasonal depression, and now that Spring is finally here, or Summer, maybe we skipped Spring this year, I'm feeling a lot better. My grouchy pants are being put away for the winter, and out come my optimistic shorts. Thank god. And they're fucking madras, because who doesn't love madras shorts.

But seriously, I had a good week, so yay me. Things are looking up, and I'm just trying to do my own thing, and if the pieces fall into place the way I want, then I'll be winning harder than Charlie Sheen ever did, but if they don't, you know, I may be okay. There's a lot of shit out there. But don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the way things are going.

Let's see here, things I have to look forward to this week. It's the last week of classes. Awesome possum. Hopefully some drinking will be involved (and now that 4Loko is back, so are my terrible habits). I only have to work one day this week. Like. A. Bass.

Anywhosies, I feel that I'm rambling and this really isn't much of substance here. So, I'll spare you from reading more about my life...until you scroll past the picture I'm about to post here...because it's the longest fucking 30 day bullshit you have ever seen. I'm lucky if I finish this by December.

Day Fifteen:
A picture of something you want to do before you die
(picture unrelated)

So, I went the "cheating" route again. Man, before I die, I just want to fucking live. I feel like there are so many people that you hear who "lived a full life". I want that. I want to check out of here being like "hey, you know what, it's all good because I grabbed life by the balls."
Kind of lame, and it's certainly an abstract answer. But like, I'm happy where I am now, and if I keep doing what I'm doing and living life, making myself happy...well, then I'll probably die a happy man. I mean, I guess if we're being realistic here, before I die, I want to eat everything ever made on Epic MealTime.

...But I'll settle for living.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wurt the Furk: Roommates

I'll keep this one brief, Changed my mind, you get to read a bunch today, but be exciting that I'm doing back to back postings! I've done some housekeeping here, and I've added a little thing to the left of the page where you all can creep me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter (@ChristDaly) and also, I made it so the links are pink when you hover them. That's pretty fucking cool too. I hope that if you read this blog and you don't really know much about me other than that I'm whiny, you'll at least follow me on Twitter or creep me on the book and find out some more about me. I'm also going to be adding to that section as I feel like it with just cool links or different blogs that I think you should all check out.

Just another random note, to anyone out there who is reading this and really doesn't know me, you're awesome. It makes my day to see my stats blow up from people all around the world, so thanks for putting a smile on my face. To all of you out there, I will love you forever if you share this blog with your friends. Just put that shit on Facebook or whatever. And if any of you are writers out there as well, let me know and I'll link you in the side!

Now that that's out of the way, I thought I should bring back something I did in February that got a lot of attention, and that's my "Wurt the Furk of the Week". Really innapropriate title since this is the second time I've done this in 2 months, so it's a work in progress. Let's just get rid of "of the Week" and make everyone happy. So, here you go, internet.

Wurt the Furk: Roommates

If you're one of my readers who knows me, I'm sure you know this is long overdue. But I'm going to generalize here, just because I want to. And what I say goes, bitch. So in my current house, I've had my fair share of roommates come and go. I think I've seen a total of seven roommates since I moved in here. That's the equivalent of every single dwarf from Snow White moving in and out in a two year period.

Although looking at this picture that would have been way more fun.

 So, it's pretty fair to say that I don't have the best luck with roommates out there. I've had it all. The ones who stay in their room and you forget they live there, the ones who stay in their room and you wish they didn't live there, the ones that last less than a week, the ones that last less than a day, and oh so many more qualities to adore.

Now, I love where I live, and I really am hellbent on staying here. Anyone who's been to my apartment knows that my room is awesome and fucking huge, and the house is pretty cool too. I just wish the other people who chose to coincide with me were as gnarly bitchin radical as the house itself.

I could write a list of my pet peeves and things that my roommates do/have done, and I will. Let's just start out with the basic shit that pisses me off on a day to day basis.
1) Don't Touch My Shit. CollegeHumor did a great video on the obvious benefits of not touching my shit, and you can watch it here! There are obvious benefits to not touching my shit, mainly that it's mine. And I'm not retarded, it's fairly obvious when my shit has been touched. Just don't fucking do it. Seriously.
2) Tell Me If You Have a Fucking Problem. As awesome as I am, I'm not a mind reader. I have no idea that you may not be 100% thrilled with my shenanigans. However, not being Nostradamus, I have no clue that whatever I'm doing is rubbing you the wrong way. Open your mouth. Which goes straight into my next point....
3) Not Every Conversation Needs to Take Place via Text. Open your mouth. I'm not a guy who shuts off the world and locks myself in my cavern of a room. Talk, dammit. I suppose one benefit of this is that the texter can't bear witness to my hilarious laughter at their ridiculous requests.
4) Make Fucking Coffee. This one is dumb, but seriously, if you wake up first, make fucking coffee. Shit is like crack. Doitdoitdoit.
Seriously, how hard is to to make a fucking pot of crack in the am?

5) Get Your Goddamned Hair Out of the Drain: I've lived with girls for over a year now, and before that, girlfriends and hookers were in and out every day. My beautiful fauxhawked mane doesn't shed that much, and it's not that long, so those aren't my luxurious strands in the fucking drain. Shit's gross, and it looks like it could come alive. Wurt. The. Furk.

 Just in case you didn't know what fucking gross soapy nasty ass hair looked like...

I'm stopping here for now, but I may come back and add some shit to this list. Maybe I'll get to the photo thing sooner than later. But right now I'm starving, and *NSYNC just came on my iPod. So my motivation is not there.

Till next time ladies and gentleman, stay classy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Ballad of Chris and 4Loko

Hey world, wurt the furk is urp? Glad to hear it. I'm not going to bog down this first graf with too much filler, so let's get right into this. I had quite the interesting weekend, and it had its ups and downs. And honestly, I really don't know how I feel right now about the whole thing. But look at me, getting ahead of myself, I suppose I should enlighten the world on the haps.

I worked Saturday and Sunday this weekend, and dealt with some of the rudest and most ridiculous people out there. I swear, they just come in to Bass when I'm working to give me shit so I can write about them in a condescending way in my blog. Anyways, after being forced to write a letter of apology to a customer recently for something that I didn't even do, my new philosophy has been to do whatever the fuck they want, in an almost "stick it to the man" way. But seriously, you don't want to hear me rant about the assholes I deal with everyday, just know it sucked.

Onto the good stuff. Obviously dealing with the human race at length drives me to drink, and my current situation with where I am in life does the same. So that makes for a very interesting Sunday eve. I'm just now getting over a 4Loko coma that I've been in all day. And none of that new 4Loko shit, I'm talking the old shit, 12% alcohol, 100% crack, that was stockpiled for months for a special occasion. Unbeknownst to me, the occasion was make everyone fight and hate each other.Good times, good times.

Shaggy just came on my iPod, and that's awesome. But I digress. I'm left today, groggy-eyed and dead to the world, very confused about what I really want. Ideally, I could just be happy, and everything would work itself out. But as we all know, this isn't an ideal world. However, things happen in strange ways, and life is strange, and as The Doors said, "People are Strange".

So you know what, fuck it. I've been on this woe is me trip for a while now, and I'm really sick of it. It's not doing me any good, and it certainly isn't do the world any good. I think I'm just gonna do me for a bit now. I know what I want, and I know that it's so worth it. And good things come to those who wait. And in the great words of Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part".


It really is the hardest part, but if that's what it takes, then wait I shall. In the meantime, here I am. Being me, and trying to love life. And that's really all I can do right now I guess. But hey, I'll never know if it will work unless I get out there and try it. So I suppose as I wait to catch my break, I'll do me. I haven't done me in some time, so I think this is gonna be fun. And it took everything in me to not make a masturbation joke here.

Until then, here's a picture of an anteater. PEACE.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

I really did mean to have this in sooner, I even wrote the whole bitchy part first, and got all the way down to saving a picture to my computer to upload it for the photo thing, and would ya know it, I shut my computer and it didn't save any of it. So, I've been frustrated with blogspot for the past day and a half, and also really fucking busy. I guess I'll just go at it again, on this lovely Friday evening.

This has actually been a really great week. I've had a pretty solid smile going on almost this whole week, and it's FridayFridayFriday, which is awesome. I'm pretty happy where I'm at right now with everything, and I think things are looking up for me and my world. I had another revelation through quotes this week. On Monday, in my Public Speaking course, we were asked to draw a random quote and give an impromptu speech on it. Mine, of course, was from Sex and the City. It went something like this:

"That's the key to having it all; you have to stop expecting it to look like what you thought it was going to look like"

That's not ver badum, but oh well. That quote didn't really ring true to me until I took some time to think about it. This whole time I have had these expectations as to what was supposed to be happening in my life, and what the world should be for me to be happy. Somewhere along the line, I just forgot to live. I need to take a step back and just let things happen. There's so much out there, and for me to dwell on my expectations, I may miss something that is right under my nose. So here's to letting it be, and being me, and for rhyming sake, Chris Daly. Lock up your fucking daugthers.

I've been putting off doing this photo thing for a bit now. For one, I've had a lot of other stuff to say about things in my life that I've deemed more important. And for two, I found this one to be really hard to just pick something. So naturally, I couldn't and didn't pick just one thing.

Here we go.

Day Fourteen
A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
My friends.
I know they're not all pictured here, and I'm sorry for that. Maybe we'll all have to have one big hang out in the future. (I hear a toga party at 622 is in the works). But, honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without my friends.

All of you (and yes, I'm speaking to you as if you all read this) have been there for me in some form at some time when I needed you, and you've all really stepped it up for me. I love my friends. I have so much fucking fun with them, and I really can't just pick one person that I couldn't imagine my life without.

I can't list all of you here and your individual accomplishments in my life, that would be the longest blog ever, and no one wants to read it. But your acts don't go unnoticed. So, basically, you guys rock, and continue to rock, and I really wouldn't want to go a day without any of you in my life.
Here's some Queen to play us out, but first, a haiku.

As Snoop Dogg did once say
"When the pimp's in the crib ma,
Drop it like it's hot."

Peace out, bitches.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Smokin' In The Boys Room

What up internet? Be impressed that I'm writing in this for the second, count it, SECOND, time this week. I know I am.

So, my last post was kind of a downer, as they've tended to be, and that's really not what I'm all about. In fact, it's the opposite of what I'm about. I'm a pretty fun guy, so I feel that this small snippet of my life that I'm publicizing should reflect on that. However, I have a rant in me totally unrelated to my previous rants that I just need to get out there.

I don't know how many of you readers out there go to Bridgewater, but I don't care, because I'm going to talk about it anyways. For those of you who do go to Bridgewater State Prison, er, I mean University, a recent article written by a fellow student of mine has set the campus abuzz. I'm talking about the article on the proposed tobacco ban.

So, this is something that actually really bothers me. For those of us out there who chose to smoke, that's our decision. It may not be the best decision that we've ever made, and fuck, it's probably a pretty bad idea. But nevertheless, it's our choice to do so. Bridgewater already has enforced polices regarding tobacco use on campus, such as pushing smokers 25 feet away from residence halls, which I think is fair. But to completely eradicate smoking all together from the campus? That's a little over the top, and frankly, absurd.

I don't have the numbers on hand, but the campus is pretty big. It's no city like UMass Amherst, but it's not a single street like Framingham State. So does the campus plan to displace anyone who smokes from the campus entirely? Forcing them to leave the campus to do so? This raises some fairly important questions that I'd want answers to (other than what the fuck) like, "What constitutes off campus?" and "So, if I park my ass on the line of on/off campus, I'll be okay?" I don't know, internet, this just seems like a terrible idea, and an over-the-top solution to a non-problem.

It wouldn't be fair for me to bitch about this without offering a solution, so here's my idea. If the school is to do anything about it, I say that designated areas are to be assigned to smoke, this way, smokers have a place, and non-smokers don't have to deal with it. That's my idea. Anyways, I'd love to hear other thoughts on this subject, so please feel free to leave a comment about it. End rant.

Other than that, things are more of the same. I'm living life, getting by, and being me. This has been a fairly good week, and with the weekend ahead, I really can't complain. I'm bypassing the photo thing today, but I promise I'll try and do it tomorrow morning.

I'll leave you all with this song that not only relates to my rant, it's been fucking stuck in my head all week. Peace out.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let It Go

Dear god it is early in the morning. I am not an 8am kinda guy, much more of a noon person. But hey, I have to get this education thing done, and apparently I'm a masochist, because I chose to take biology at such an outrageous hour.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching lately, and I guess I've come to some conclusions. Well, not so much conclusions, more revelations. I was listening to the Zac Brown Band the other day - which is totally a guilty pleasure of mine as I can't usually stand country music - and his song "Let It Go" came on. The chorus goes something like this:

"And know you're not the only ship out on the ocean
Save your strength for things that you can change
Forgive the ones you can't
You gotta let 'em go"
  I'm a very musical person, and I take solace in music, especially when I'm down. This song just happened to catch my ear the other night, and I could not relate more with the lyrics at the time. I'm spending a lot of my effort in life right now trying to change something that I really have no control over. It's seriously taking a toll on who I am, and what I'm trying to be. But it's something I can't change.
But I'm not mad about it. I am certainly disappointed, and a little hurt, but like I said, it's something I can't change, something I have no control over. So, I have to forgive what I can't change, and let it go. I'm not saying that I quit, I'm not a quitter, but I need to learn how to let go. Like Zac Brown said, I'm not the only ship out on the ocean, and I suppose lately I've been acting like I am. There are a lot of people in my life whom I'm thankful for, and there are a ton of people out there who I haven't even given a chance, and I suppose that's due to my inability to let the past go.
So, here I go. I guess this is more or less a start to a new chapter in my life, learning to let it go. As a writer, I have the poetic license to go back on my word, but that just wouldn't be fair. So look out bitches, here I am.
Christ that was a good rant, now here's some picture shit.  Day ThirteenA picture of your favorite band or artist
   Anyone who knows me at all knows that State Radio is by far my favorite band. Simply put, I love these guys.
I first stumbled upon their music in 2008, when they opened for Third Eye Blind. Truthfully, I'd never heard of them before that, and I only knew a few songs from Dispatch, Chad's other band. However, once I saw them, I was hooked. I've now seen State Radio upwards of 25 times live, and the guys in the band have become more than just people I look up to and admire, we've become friends. 
I could listen to these guys for days, but it's not just the music that gets me. Their dedication to service inspires me, and gets me involved in things I normally wouldn't be involved with. Over the years, I've become more involved with thier non-profit organization, Calling All Crows, and I feel that it's made me a better person.
To get to the point, State Radio is by far my favorite band for millions of reasons. Check them out. Do it do it do it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All You Need Is Love

Well, I lied again. I fell off the blog wagon. However, looking at my stats on this shit, some people are actually reading what I have to say, so that's pretty cool. So now that I have an audience (or at least my stats say I do, I'm still convinced no one reads this) maybe I'll be more motivated to keep this up.

Before I start my usual bitching, here's a hilarious picture I just found while stumbling.
 So yeah, I think that's fucking hilarious.

Onto the bitching. kasdjdjflksdjfksdjfl;sd That's been my general mood lately. That exact series of letters. Shit's got me stressed out, but I'm keeping my head up. I feel like there's really no sense in getting down about things. All it does it put me in a bad mood, which I try to never be in. Life is way more fun with a smile on your face.

So, taking that in mind, I'm really trying to not let things bother me. Even though there is plenty around me that makes me want to kick a puppy, but I would never, because puppies are fucking adorable. Also, did you know that there are such things as "toygers". That's right, internet. A fucking cat and a tiger mixed together. Check out this cutegasm.

I'm all over the place tonight, clearly. But I guess that's where I want to be. Right now, I'm just doing what I want, living life, smiling, and having an awesome time just being Chris Daly, and if you don't like it, you can fuck yourself. I'm me, and I'm having fun, expanding my horizons, trying to get out there in this scary ass world of ours. But I'm doing it with a fucking smile, and that's all that matters.


Day Twelve
A picture of something you love


Seriously, I'm cheating hardcore on this one, and the picture really has nothing to do with what I like, besides the fact that I absolutely LOVE this picture. Plus, I love the beach, I love summer, and I loved my dog, Sandy. She was the fucking coolest dog you will ever see.

Anyways, I really am in a lovey mood tonight, so yeah, I love everything. (except people, I mean, I can't go back on my last blog post). But like, if I were to rattle off some things I love in no, cuddling, my bed, sunny days, beer, ice cream, smiling, laughing, pictures, records, football, cardigans, plaid, really worn jeans, shoes, superheroes, Hugh Laurie, puppies, cats, friends....etc etc.

I could go on forever, and if I'm motivated, I might continue to add to that list. But seriously, life is too short to hate. Smiles all around tonight.

Everyone rock the fuck on.