Monday, April 25, 2011

The Secret

Back to back posts, aren't you lucky. I'm in the writing mood right now, and I figured, why not? By the way, as a sidenote, I usually post a song of the day on Facebook every day or so, but lately, the copyright laws or some bullshit have not been letting my videos play. So, I want everyone to enjoy this song today. Why? Because I said so. Also also, I've added a new blog to my sidebar over there (<----) this girl is hilarious, and she makes me smile and chuckle, and has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers/vloggers, so check her out meow.

I heard something interesting today. I'm currently enrolled in a public speaking class, and we're required to give four speeches over the course of a semester. I've given an informative speech on the Darfur crisis, and two persuasive speeches thus far, one on the notion of bringing a bar to campus, and the other opposing the smoking ban at BSU. However, I'm not going to talk about those, because who really cares.

What really interests me is hearing everyone else speak on topics, and one topic specifically caught my attention today. Today, a girl in my class gave a speech on the book/movie "The Secret", and it really got me thinking. For those of you who have never heard of this before, I'll let wikipedia paraphrase the main point for you: " positive thinking can have life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness". Basically, if you think positively, positive things will happen to you.

Furthermore, as the speech went on to say, you can only attract the type of energy that you are giving out. For example, positive energy can only attract positive energy, and negative energy can only attract negative energy. This is the part that really made me think.What kind of energy am I giving out? And in turn, is that causing me to attract unwanted energy?

If only I were like Jubilee and could create awesome firework-y energy.

So really, that's what got me thinking, and made me wonder how I was living my life and what direction I was heading in. I'm usually a guy with a lot to complain about, as all of you know, but is that sending out the negative energy? I'm really interested in this, and if anyone has any thoughts or insights on this topic, I would love to hear about it.

Until I figure this shit out, I suppose I should focus on thinking positive thoughts, and trying to attract positive energy into my life. So I guess that's free regin to let my mind wander and dream big. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Lock up your daughters.

That's all I have to say about that. I have some time tonight, so I'll bless all of you with one of those pictures.

Day Sixteen:
A picture of someone who inspires you

Chad "Stokes" Urmston. This man really is an inspiration to me in so many ways. If you haven't heard of him, then you're clearly not listening to anything I talk about, one, and two, you're really missing out. Chad is a musician and activist, most known for being part of Dispatch and the front man of State Radio. He also co-founded the non-profit organization, Calling All Crows.

Everything Chad does is with an open heart, and I admire him for that. I could spend a day talking about his accomplishments and how he inspires me, but rather than do that, I urge you all to go out and learn about him and what he does and what he and his organization stand for. If you care or are interested in human rights, it's certainly worth some of your time.

Chad inspires me musically as well, as everything he does really speaks me, and just really rocks. I think I'll end this post with one of my favorite State Radio songs, which goes out to anyone out there with a heart. Take care, my children. PEACE.



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