Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Know What Bothers Me...

Oh hey guys. Sorry that I once again disappeared for well over a month. My B. I'm not even going to try and come up with an excuse for my extended absence. So, I mean, I guess all I can say that I was captured by Jigsaw, and forced to play a game for my life, which ultimately led me to being a better human being. Sorry bout it.

Wanna play a game?

Aside from my made up excuses, I have been so unbelievably busy this year with life and everything. I'm working 4-5 days a week at Club Express, interning in Brookline with Calling All Crows, going to school full time, and trying to fit anything else in there as well. So, yeah, I've been pretty busy. On that note of interning, I've been working on organizing and getting my life together for next weeks' 3rd Annual Northampton Halloween 5K. I cannot wait for this event, and it's been so amazing to see everything come together. This year, we've been raising money for Afghan women, and only $26 will provide a month of shelter for a woman overseas. If anyone reading this wants to help out -- and really, anything will help -- you can donate here:

Aside from that, I feel like I owe you guys, my readers, the general internet public, an actual blog. I won't disappoint. I know it's been a while, but surely, I still have it in me. So, in my busy busy life, I've been spending my time split between the Independence Mall, Bridgewater State University, and the MBTA. So, I've been people watching like a motherfucker. So here are just some general notes that I've picked up from my travels and life.

  • If you're going to the mall, don't dress like a hooker. Seriously, I don't even know why I have to write this. If you're going out to go shopping, and I'm not talking to like some fancy place, I'm talking the run down, piece of shit, Kingston Mall, there is no need to bust out your mini skirt and your best stilettos. You look like a hooker, and I'm judging you so hard.
  •  If you're 13, get away from me. I'm not the best with children, but I admit the fact. I'm not patient, and I don't understand how to speak to them. All of this made my time at Build a Bear very interesting. However, now that I'm not forced to deal with young folk, get the fuck away from me. I don't know when the mall became the cool place to dump your little shits off on a Friday night, but stop it right now. And don't you even think to ask to bum a cigarette.
I swear, they get younger every year.

  • Why are you talking to me? This one holds true mainly for the MBTA community that I have come to love so much. If I'm sitting there with my zebra sunglasses on and my iPod at an unhealthily loud decibel level, why do you feel the sudden urge to try and start a conversation with me? We don't know each other, our only commonality is the fact that we're using the same public transportation. I don't want to hear your jokes, or your interpretation of the problems existing in our society today. Shut the fuck up and get where you're going, I'll do the same.
  • Are you seriously eating that right now? This is another MBTA pet peeve that happens all too often for me. I am one of the biggest fans of the McDinner, trust me, but there is a time and a place. The Red Line, for instance, is no place to eat your double quarter pounder and fries. Not only does the entire car now smell like McDinner, now I'm starving and I hate you.
This is what you look like, girl on the Red Line. And I hate you.
  •  This is not fucking nap time. This one has bothered me recently. It seems every time that I trek to Bridgewater State University to work on some of my scholarly studies, I spend a fortnight looking for a place to set up my computer. "Why?", you ask, "Surely the school must have designated areas for computers!?". Yes, they do, however, 90% of the space is taken up by people either sitting on Facebook or taking a fucking nap. Grow up, get out, and let me get my shit done.
  • This one is for my lovely lady, Melissa, who recently pointed this annoyance out to me...Why do you have a purse and a backpack? Like, what classes do you have that you needed to pack fucking luggage to get you through the day. You look ridiculous and there is no need for your excessive belongings. Bridgewater should start charging for extra bags like most airlines, which will effectively weed out your obnoxiousness from my life.
This is what you look like, and I want to call you ridiculous. 
That's all I got for today, and I'm not even going to promise to get back into the game more often, because I don't know if I'll have the time. I'll try for you all. I'll post pictures and an update from my 5K Weekend with Calling All Crows, that I can promise. Like I said, if anyone  was interested in donating, I would greatly appreicate it. ( You guys are all awesome, keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
Peace and Love.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Fashion Tips

Hello internet, it's been a little bit, but not that long. I promise, the wait is worth it. This blog has been building up inside of me like a giant dump after you eat McDonalds, a McShit if you will. I can't really go on without taking like two seconds to note that today is the 10th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, and my thoughts go out to anyone affected by those. It's nuts to think that it happened 10 years ago, and that definitely makes me feel old. So rock on America, we're stronger for it, and we'll never forget.

Moving on from that, my life has been going pretty spectacularly awesome lately. I just started my second and final Senior year at Bridgewater State University. Hopefully I'll finish that up real quick and move on to the big scary real world. I've started interning at Calling All Crows in Brookline, doing everything that I want to do with my life. I'm so happy to have such an incredible opportunity to help people and answer the call for human rights. I'm also starting to really like my job at Express, and I feel that I'm fitting in there well, and having fun doing it.

So that's all good. But there's one thing with the start of the school year that has been on my mind hardcore recently, and I have to get it out there for you all to read and take in, and hopefully follow. One of my favorite activities on campus is to people watch. I love it. I sit there, and I will make up a back story about anyone who walks by me. However, and, this extends to working at the mall, there are some very interesting fashion choices out there that I have to bring to everyone's attention. So here you go.

Chris Daly's Fall Fashion Do's and Don'ts

DON'T wear a jersey on a non-game day. With football season really starting in full force today, I feel like this is very prominent in our world right now. As cool as your new Danny Woodhead jersey, wearing it on a Wednesday just makes you look like a douchebag. Like what other options did you run out of in your closet that made you decide that that was your best choice? Jerseys are acceptable on game days and at sporting events. That's pretty much it. And don't even get me started about wearing out of season jerseys (ie, a basketball jersey in September) 
Bitch would be wearing a Jordan jersey. Like seriously? Don't let yourself look like this.
DO actually get dressed and put some fucking thought into your day. Like, I don't understand how hard it is to actually put on a shirt and a pair of jeans or actual pants to go about your day. Sweatpants are for lounging around the house, not walking around campus. Double goes for PJ's. Like, put some effort into your appearance. What you wear to school or in public should be drastically different than what you wear around your house by yourself.

DON'T wear sleeveless shirts if you're a guy. Seriously? You're not at the gym, you're not sleeping. A wife-beater has never constituted a shirt, and it never will. Also, it's fucking September, how hot can it really be that you can't handle your shirt having sleeves on it. To top it off, you're probably wearing jeans, which is just an incredible juxtaposition of fashion going on all over your fucked up body.
Hey there, you're gonna fucking hate everything that comes out of my mouth.
DO dress appropriately for the current weather. As much as this bothers me, I feel like it's your own fault and should bother you a million times more. But this isn't your blog, so I get to bitch at you. For those of you who didn't go outside at all this week, it rained for literally the entire week. Your fucking daisy duke denim short shorts and rain boots are were not an acceptable outfit to brave the weather. Like, good for you, you put rain boots on, now where the fuck are your pants? You look retarded.

DON'T, and you all knew this was coming...fuck around with leggings. There's so much to say here, and I've already said a lot of it in a previous blog. Now, I may have come off a little harsh last February when I was bitching about this odd fashion trend, but I don't hate leggings. I hate how you ladies destroy the concept of leggings. Leggings can look great with like a long shirt or a tunic, or like a shirt dress, or something like that. But like, the leggings and a fucking t-shirt thing is retarded. They're not pants, they never will be. Like there's not need for you to rock your new leggings with that sequin Express tank top. You look retarded. Also, why the fuck do you wear Uggs with leggings? Like how confused is your body? Your feet think it's winter, your legs have no idea what the fuck is going on, and the rest of your body is fine. Ugh.

I just want someone to accept me even though I'm mentally retarded.
So that's about it for my Fall Fashion Tips, I'm sure I could scrounge up some more, but I'm done for now. I hope you all enjoy and pass it along. And have an awesome week or whatever, and I'll try and get back on here sometime soonski.
Peace and love, bitches.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Alright, I'm officially a douchebag to you guys. It's been almost a month since I wrote/bitched at you last, and that's just like unacceptable. I have like 3 almost full blogs saved in my drafts from this month, and none of them have really been good enough for you all, so I guess you'll just have accept quality over quantity for August, since this is going to be the only August blog. ENGAGE.

So, a lot has gone on since I last wrote you all...obviously. I had told you last month that Bass has closed, and I was jobless. That lasted like two weeks until I was sick of beating every XBox game that I had and doing nothing, so I went out and actually applied a bunch of places (yeah, that was a play on words), and now I'm working at Express. Selling clothes. Again.  I can't say I love every second of it, and it's not Bass, but it's certainly a job, and I'm making the best of it. And plus, I get to dress super fly every day, and we all know how much I love to look super fly.

This has been such a weird Summer for me. I've had so many ups and downs, and I've met a bunch of interesting people along the way, and developed some pretty cool relationships, some that have fizzled out to nothing, and some that I know are gonna last for a while. All in all, it's been interesting. I've been trying to figure out how to do me, not like in a masturbating way, but in a way that I'm trying to figure out the type of person I need to be to make myself happy.

So I've been working on that a lot, and I've learned a lot of things along the way. I know I always leave my big life changes so vauge to you guys, so I'll list out some of the key points that I've learned over the summer right here.

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket: Seriously, I mean, what happens if you drop that basket? Then you have no eggs at all. It's best to spread out your eggs in multiple places, just in case something happens to them. I mean, I take my eggs pretty seriously.

Just a dumb idea. Not even practical.
But seriously, I've had a lot going on this Summer, and I've definitely learned that it's best to not get heart set on one option, while ignoring others, because you never know what could happen.

Sometimes Letting Go Is The Best Option: I've learned a lot this Summer about letting go. I let go of my 3-year relationship with no real options other than it wasn't working. However, letting go was one of the best things I've done for myself, and it's made me realize that sometimes you just have to let go. And shit sucks, trust me, it's not easy, and it's not fun. But like, in the long run, it's made me a better person, and happier.

You'll Never Get Anywhere if You Don't Act On Your Feelings: Feelings are an interesting concept. We don't really control them, sometimes they make us hate life, and they come and go like the weather. However, we've all been in the position where we have feelings for someone, and we're too much of a puss to do anything about it. Well, that's dumb and I'm so guilty of it. I'm getting there in terms of self expression, and being able to be comfortable enough with people to let my feelings out, and that's a big step. So, if you're in the same boat out there, stick with it, you'll get it.

Accept Change: Change happens. It's such an integral part of life, and if you're like me, you spend half your life avoiding it and running away from it. I've lived in the same apartment for two years now and moved my room around zero times. I'm not a creature who just accepts change. However, change can be an amazing thing. I'm finally looking to accept changes in my life, and embrace them. It's a huge step in the grand scheme of things, but it's making me so much happier. I'm ready. Maybe someday I'll move my room around.

So that's a few of the bigger points that I've taken in over the course of this Summer. If anyone reading this is in the same boat on any of these, I hope I at least gave you a little help, or let you know that you're not the only one out there that thinks that way. School is right around the corner, and I'm hoping to take these lessons with me, and grow with them.
I'll try and get more regular with this again, and hopefully it won't be a month before you hear from me again. I hope you all enjoyed your Summer, and here's a little bit of Chad Stokes to take us out. Peace and love bitches.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Letters to No One

Hey there internet. It's been a little while since my last romp on here, so I'm due for a pretty big one, which shouldn't be too hard, since I have a lot on my mind right now. First and foremost, as I've done before, I want to thank anyone who actually reads this. It may seem like a small act, but it means fucking worlds to me when someone comes up to me and says "Hey, I read your blog, keep it up".  So thanks anyone out there who actually takes the time to get a small insight into my little life.

Things have been pretty weird around here lately. Bass is no more than a pile of rubble at this point, which means my employment is the same. I'm taking a little bit of time right now to find myself or something like that. Or just some time to play XBox and chill. I do miss Bass, and I really miss the people that I've grown up with over the past 6 years, they've all become such a second family to me, and I can't wait to rekindle that relationship if and when Bass comes back next Spring. So for anyone out there who knows me from being a Basshole or working at the Outlet Mall, I miss you, and I hope you're doing well, whatever you're doing.

Other than that, my life has been physically uneventful, but emotionally draining. A whole lot of shit has gone down recently that's made me do some serious thinking and reevaluating of my life/the people that I keep around me. I'm still trying to be me, and get my life exactly where I want it to be, and that's not an easy task as I've found out in the months and weeks of late. However, I know I do a lot of complaining, and for every bad thing in my life, there are some great things that I appreciate so much. And I mean, it could be worse.

So today, I thought that I would write some letters, not directed towards specific people--well, kinda, but not really. So, let's just get right down into it. Without further adieu, I give you...

My Letters to No One

Dear A Girl,

Hey there. It's been quite a while since we've had an actual conversation, and that's probably for the best the way things are. However, as much as we've written each other out of the others life, you still find a way to insert yourself into my life and fuck my shit up. Like, I wish I could look back on the times that we shared and say "You know, that was fun, and I learned some good shit", but I really can't.

I'm over it though. Well, most of it. I wish you would get the fuck out of my life and my business. Like for one, get your own fucking friends. I see no need that you constantly steal my friends and turn them against me. Especially when you steal my friends in a clear effort to fuck me over. This infuriates me, but hey, I guess that's life, and I just have to move on and say "Fuck it."

So that's what I'm gonna do. Have a great life doing whatever you're doing, and for the love of god, stay out of mine.



Dear A Friend,

Hey you. How are things? Thurts gurd. We've never been the type to do the whole small talk thing, so let's get down to business. I wish you would make up your mind about the status of our friendship/what you're doing. I love hanging out, don't get me wrong. I just wish you wouldn't constantly find new and exciting ways to fuck me over.

I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I can see it happening, rapidly. Make up your mind, and let's fix this mess that has become our friendship.

With Concern,


Dear Someone Else,

Why hello there! How are things? You know, we've been spending a lot of time together recently, and I'm loving it. I think you're really awesome and fun. You have definitely become such a cool part of my life, and that's really great. I don't want to ruin what we have going on here, because that would totally suck.

I think you're totally rad, and I definitely have some pretty cool feelings for you, and I just want to thank you for being there for me lately and being you. I hope that we can start something awesome with us. But you know, if that doesn't work out, I love having you as a friend. So thanks, you.

With Affection,


So that's certainly a little different than my usual blog posting, but I had to get all that out. I feel better having gotten some of that off my chest. So with that, I'm outta here. I hope everyone has an awesome Friday, and a great weekend. I'll leave you with a song, so peace out ladies and gents.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Justice Beaver

Well I have just been not a very good blogger of late, and for that, I kinda apologize. I don't have a decent excuse except that I've been really busy. I tried to write a blog last week, but I was really pissed off about a lot of things, so I decided to chill out for a bit and let life play out. And you know, that actually worked out pretty alright. I hope you all are enjoying your Summer as it slowly dwindles down to nothing, mine has been interesting to say the least. I suppose I really can't put off talking about it anymore, so here we go. (But first, listen to this SR song that Pandora just threw at me, fucking awesome)

So, I really don't want to get into specifics 'cause that's not my thing to call out anyone here on the internet, but I had some pretty solid plans  for the 3rd and 4th of July, and was actually really excited about them. Well, I was excited up until I got fucking blown off, and left to fend for myself for the weekend. In true Chris Daly fashion, I overreacted like a champ. I can admit this now, but at the time, I didn't really see much wrong with it. However, I did overreact. But, regardless, I was fucked over hardcore, and this isn't the first time that something like that, or this exact scenario, has happened to me.

But you know what, life goes on. And there's no use focusing on what has happened or what will happen, because you're gonna miss what's happening. And there are some pretty fucking awesome things happening in my life. Like fucking unicorn glitter explosion awesome. So, I'm actually pretty happy right now, and I'm living in the moment, enjoying every second of it, and finally being me. Before I continue, I want everyone to be aware how much Ke$ha looks like John Travolta.
It's fucking uncanny.

 I just thought everyone should know that. Through all of this, I've really learned some lessons that have helped me seriously grow into someone that I actually can stand being. I spent forever beating a dead horse, which was no good. And once that got boring, I kept doing the same thing over and over again, even though I knew it was useless. ha. But I tried to make a relationship work when clearly, it was no good for me, because I thought I could make it work, or make her happy. But it just wasn't going to work, and it took me too long to realize that sometimes you just have to take a chance and break free, even if you have no net to fall on. And I really couldn't be happier. Things certainly are different, and I have no idea what's next, but right now I'm just working on me and working on the present. And that's my advice to anyone out there.

And that's that. Moving on to something totally unrelated,  the end of an era has come upon me, and I'm actually pretty sad about it. I found out today that my beloved/hated store, Bass, has about a week left to live. Which could potentially mean that I have about a week left of a job. Now, this wasn't really a surprise, as we all new the end was coming, but it's certainly a shock to have a date and know that we're out next Sunday.  I was walking around the store today, and I have to admit, as much as I bitch about it, and hate it, I will miss a lot of things about that place. I grew up there. Sadly enough, I started working there when I was 16. I'm 22 now. That's such a major time in a teenage-adult transformation, and I spent half my time in that store.

So yeah, I'm pretty sad to see it go, but again, it's happening, and there's really nothing I can do about but just let it happen and see what new shit this brings into my life. I'm hopeful. That's pretty much all I have in me for tonight, maybe I'll be more regular. I'm installing internet at my apartment tomorrow, so that should definitely help with my frequency...pun kind of intended. Oh, speaking of my apartment, look at this little snippet of fabulous redecorating we've been doing. It's the manliest of man now.
Yeah that's right. I'll decorate your home or office too.

Until next time everyone, you stay fucking classy, and enjoy some John Butler Trio.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Meaning of Life

Hey everyone, Happy July! It's finally the Fourth of July weekend, which means I can't even leave my house for the simplest of things without sitting in traffic. But other than that, I am pretty excited about the long weekend ahead of me. Here's to another great weekend of just drinking and hanging out with the best of people, and that asshole Jack Dagnals. Such a jerk he can be. But anyways, I have a lot on my mind today, on this lovely Friday, but it's fucking all over the place, so you're gonna have to bear with me on this one. Or for fun, Bear Grylls with me.

 It's the only option.

It's funny how fickle I've been lately about a lot of things. Well, not really funny, but it makes me think and wonder and chuckle. Sometimes I think I know exactly what I want and that idea is fucking set in stone, and then there are times where I have no idea what I'm doing, and I lose sight of what I thought I once wanted. As the Summer creeps towards the halfway point, I think I'm getting to a place that I really want to be at. I'm really content happy with the way that things are going. 

Another thing that I sadistically find amusing (Other than the fact that these last two graf's I've written about shit being "funny", DMB's "Funny The Way It Is" has been playing on Pandora) is that I started this blog in such a weird point in my life. I had just "broken up" (or whatever you call breaking up when you're not really dating) with a fling that had ruined a relationship I was in, and was just starting to persue that previous relationship. I was in a fucked up place then. -Sidenote: I just went back and read some of my older posts and I kept shit brief back then, haha. I feel like I'm writing novellas now. Oh well, Deal <3 C - I really didn't know what to do with the whole situation, and I like to think that I have a much better grasp on what's going on now.

I know this isn't my usual blog post that's filled with me losing my shit about something, but it's all stuff that's on my mind and that I've been thinking about lately. It's interesting how one second you think you know exactly what you want, and then, the more you think about you, you know you want something entirely different. Maybe it's just because I'm still young and dumb. Who knows? -I just Google'd "young and dumb" to try and put a picture here, but it's legit all porn...can't say I'm surprised.-

I'm not saying that I totally know what I'm doing, or that I'm definitely doing the right thing, but I'm doing what will make me happy right now, and I think that's what matters. I mean, isn't that what life is all about? Being happy and making other people happy? I think I'll try that for a while. Like I've been saying, I'm gonna do me, but now I have some fucking direction. Let's do it. 

Thanks for listening guys, I'll hit you with a good one that's not just an unbroken train of thought about my personal life after my drunken weekend of fun. Peace out, and everyone have an awesome Fourth!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Distance Is Short When Your Hand Carries What Your Eyes Found

Hey everyone! Happy Monday, or not, because Mondays suck. But happy day anyways. I've been a busy little bee since I've been on here last, working my ass off, getting black out drunk, and living the good life. Oh, I also saw Dispatch this weekend, and it was one of the best shows I've seen. Seriously, it was fucking epic, and if anyone has the chance to catch their few headlining shows the rest of the Summer, do it. You won't regret it.
 Pardon the bluriness, but this shit was epic. Check them out and fall in love.

So, I have a bunch on my mind today, and what better a place to express that than to total strangers on the Internet. On a sidenote, right now, I'm listening to Chad Stokes' (of Dispatch and State Radio) new album, and it's fantastic. So if you want a good listen, and want to hear what's going through my head as I write this, check it here. So, recently, I've been doing a lot of thinking about life and relationships and stuff like that, which is always a fun subject to talk about and think about. I had a completely fascinating conversation with someone who thought that monogamy was totally unnatural and the thought of being with only one person from your early twenties to when you die is ridiculous. 

Now, I don't know how much I agree or disagree with this, but it is certainly thought-provoking. Who am I to know that the person who I find at 22 is the right person and the person who I should spend the rest of my life with? How do I know that there isn't someone out there who fits me perfectly and we just haven't met. Or maybe it's someone that I have met, and just haven't had the chance with. Interesting shit. I mean, I suppose in a perfect world, polygamy would be perfectly acceptable, but I mean, really, we all know that's not the case.
I mean, I guess it works out for some people...
But here I am, trying to figure out just what I want, and it's not the easiest thing in the world. There are some pretty fantastic people out there, and I'm trying to make myself happy without fucking over the wrong person. Tough task, but I'm up for it. I love a good adventure. And who knows what life has in store for me, but I'm not one to turn away from a challenge. To quote my second favorite movie about cheerleading, "Bring It On".
 My first obviously being Sugar and Spice.
So who knows what I'm doing. I'm trying to figure out my life, and trying to do me and be happy, and who knows what will happen or what I'll encounter along the way. But I'm ready, and willing, so let's fucking do this, world.

Moving on, a little while ago, I wrote/ranted about the fabulous world of retail, and my complaints about it. So, after working 10 days straight, I kept a little mental list of things that people do/say that bother the shit out of me. So, without further adieu, I give you all....

Wurt the Furk: Retail - Part Deux 
1) Don't call me "honey". Or "sweetie", or "hun", or any of that bullshit. We're not in an intimate relationship, you're not my mother. There's no need to bring pet names into this situation. I'm just selling you clothes. Actually, this rule goes for most people in my life. Unless we've seen each other naked, don't call me a pet name.
2) When I tell you that I don't know something, I'm not holding out information. I honestly have no fucking clue. Now, backstory on this one. My shithole mall is maybe closing, maybe not, however, every other store except mine and two others have stayed open. Do I know when we're closing? No. Fuck you, I honestly have no idea. And when I say I don't know, it's not a conspiracy, I'm just a 22 year old part time manager. I actually have no idea. Sorry
3) If I say we don't have a size, don't get personally offended with me. I'm the footwear boss. Or footwear Bass, whatever you want. So, if there's a shoe in our lovely mens footwear department, chances are, it's passed through my hands first. So you know what, I actually know my shit. If I tell you that we don't have a fucking shoe, we don't have it. I'm not lying to you because I'm lazy, I just know how to do my job. Don't get all butthurt at me for not being able to manifest your shoe out of my ass.
4) Don't get offended when I ask if you need help. Part of my job is making sure your dumb ass is finding everything you need at our super discounted prices, so don't act like I'm invading your personal shopping space when I approach you and ask if you're finding everything okay. Look, I don't really want to talk to you either, but let's just pretend and then both go our separate ways. Which brings us to...

4A) Dear Company that Employees Me, people don't want to be fucking bothered when they're shopping. I know I don't. If I am following some guy around asking if he's found that perfect mandal for his hobbit feet and bothering the shit out of him, he's probably going to get annoyed. How about we let out people shop, and if they need help, I'm the one with the Bass nametag that says "Chris!".
Bother bother bother bother bother bother
 5) Don't over-personalize our encounter. I'm just ringing you up, or helping you find something. I don't need the backstory. Unless you're an adorable lady just coming from a massive topless beach party in which the only man couldn't make it and you'd love me to come, I really don't need to know. I have had my fairshare of overshares, for example, when asking someone why they're returning an item, the always incorrect answer is "the person I bought it for just died." Like, that's probably the most depressing and worst thing you could say. I sympathize with you, and I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm just trying to do my job. Next time, let's just say "It didn't fit", and I'll give you money and you can go mourn. Seriously people. Have some fucking tact.
That's really all I can think of right now, give me another week of working and I'm sure I'll be able to come up with more, or maybe I'll keep you all more informed about the other aspects of my life. Fourth of July weekend is coming up, and that is going to be spectacular, so I'm sure I'll have some stories from that venture. Hopefully I'll hit y'all with a little bit o' blog soon. Until then, much love to you all, and keep on keepin' on, and I'll do the same.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer of '69...haha 69

Whaddup internet. Happy Summer! Although it's pouring rain now now and like 65 degrees, which isn't very Summer at all. I know I really haven't been around much, I'm sorry I'm such a deadbeat dad of a blogger. I swear I still love you, I've just been really busy. Maybe after this we can go out in the yard and toss the ol' pigskin around? But seriously, work has consumed my life since I've gotten out of school, which doesn't really leave me much time to bitch to you guys or tell you about my super exciting life. So, I'm sorry.

Enough apologizing. So, like I said (like you didn't know), it's Summer. Which is awesome. Right around this time last year, actually, last week, last year, I was on tour with State Radio and Calling All Crows, meeting some of the coolest people in the world and doing some of the coolest things. I'm wicked lucky to have been a part of that, and I would do it again in a heartbeat, as I've said a million times. I got so nostalgic of that trip this week, especially since I'm making a trip to Boston this Friday to go see Dispatch, and hopefully rekindle some State Radio-romances with some lovely people. (Not the raunchy kind of romances though, unless it's with Dave.)
I mean, look at him. He looks like fucking Eddie Vedder, come on.

But no homo. Okay, some homo. Anyways, I miss every single twat that was on that tour with me, and I hope you all read this, and say, fuckin' a, I miss that saucy motherfucker as well. So to all you ABT2'ers out there, much love, much sexing, and let's all hang out soon please. 
If I didn't lose the other part of my audience with that alienation, then yippee for me. Other than my nostalgia, I really haven't been up to much. I'm hitting the world as hard as I'm hitting the bars. I'm out, being me, and fucking loving every second of it. I'm having a grand old time, and if anyone out there wants to come have a good time with me, join the fucking party. Bring the Jack Dagnals.

So, I have to bitch about work, or it wouldn't be a Chris-blog of late. For those of you in my direct circle of friends, you know that I work at the shithole Outlet Mall on the Cape. There's a shitload of speculation recently over if my store is closing in this dying hellhole, which as far as I know, it's not. I don't give a fuck that almost every other store is closing, we're not going anywhere. I don't care if I'm the one chaining myself to this place. I fucking hate it, but I'm not losing my job over this bullshit.

Alright, maybe I won't go that far.

And that's enough about work, because no one really gives a shit. Not even me. I really don't have anything else to say, hopefully after my exciting weekend off I'll have more to talk to you guys about. Until then, you all take care of yourselves, and I'll do the same. Peace out, ladies, and dudes too, I guess.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Retail, Wurt the Furk. Like a Bass.

Oh hey guys. Happy June, I guess. I haven't been on here that much lately, and my sincerest apologies to that. I've been really busy with work and life, and all that other great stuff, but here I am, finding time for you. Go me. I have Pandora on right now, and I'm loving what it's throwing at me. I'll link the songs I love. Right now we have "Mansin Humanity" by State Radio. Love it.

Anyways, what's new out there in the internets? I found this funny picture the other day, and feel obligated to share it with you guys:

lolololol Why is you so punny interweb?
Alright, but Siriusly...haha. Life has been interesting lately, I've had my ups and downs this past month, but all in all, I came out of it with a smile on my bearded-once-more face, and that's all that matters really. I just discovered this song on Pandora. Love it. But back to what I was saying, I have no idea where I'm headed right now, and I don't really have much direction. But I'm enjoying myself, and getting drunk, and having fun, and loving life. I'm fine with where things are right now, and when I figure them out, I'll let you know, but in the meantime, why not have fun just being me and all that jazz.

Pandora just threw some ex-ladyfriend at me with a little bit of Three Legged Fox. Whaddup ex? Anyways, so more ranting about fucking retail and my stupid job. I've been slowly building a list of things that people do that piss me off at my job, and what better place to write this down than here, for you guys. (Holy shit, I love everything P is throwing at me right now. Rock out with your Zox out with me) So, without further distractions, until the song changes and I love that one too, here's my list of shit that pisses me off at retail.

Wurt the Furk: Retail

1) Get control of your annoying children. Seriously? This isn't a fucking daycare. I don't get paid enough to even care, let alone care about the well being of your child. So, put that thing on a leash, because it is fucking shit up, and I may be a grown man, but I'm not above punting your child out the door.

 Get the fuck out before I drop kick your stupid toddler ass.

2) Fuck you, you're not right. Whoever came up with the line "The Customer Is Always Right" has never worked retail. Funny thing is, I get paid to know my shit. I've been here for 6 years. Chances are, 6 years minus 20 minutes longer than you've been here. Why do you question everything I say? Would you go up to a professional sports player and tell him he's doing his job wrong based on something you read about his position? No. That would be retarded. So don't do it me.

3) Get off your goddman cell phone. Are you a surgeon with an urgent case? Are you a cop being pulled into duty? Is this a fucking emergency? If you answered yes to these, get the fuck out of the store and do your job, stop buying shoes. But chances are, you said no. So get the fuck off the phone. I don't want to hear your conversation. And go help you if you...

4) Talk on your phone at the register. Alright, so we let your obnoxiousness slide whilst you were browsing our selection, now comes the time where you actually have to interact with me, because I am selling you shit. But wait, your conversation with whoever isn't over yet? So you're just gonna pretend I'm not there, give me money and leave? Fuck you, no. You talk to me when I ring you up.

5) Don't return a bunch of shit you just bought. So, everything went well, we sold you some stuff, things were ducky, and then you turn around and change your mind. Seriously? Are you a fucking goldfish? Like, I don't have the best memory, but I can remember shit I want and don't want enough to not buy stuff then immediately return it. Ugh. (P just gave me some fucking awesome JBT)

6) Closing at 6 means that we fucking close at 6. Don't come into my store at 5:57 and expect me to drop everything to let you browse around and fuck up shit that I just spent hours cleaning. Get out. Go home. I want to go home. Like I would honestly love to know what makes someone want to shop for those last 3 minutes a store is open. Is their a thrill in pissing off people and then getting told to leave?
 Closed gate means closed store, bitch.

7) Don't touch fucking everything. Seriously? You feel the need to touch everything in the store? I can tell you that a XL in that ugly ass shirt looks the same as an XL in that color. No need to pick it up and hold it up to your misshapen body. How long have you been wearing clothing that you need to personally inspect every size that goes on your grossness.

8) Don't make me size your gross old man feet. You're 150 years old. I know shoes are a fairly new concept, and the sizes are a tricky thing, what starting at 7 and all, but seriously? Who goes shoe shopping and doesn't know their shoe size. I'll tell you who, a fucking child. Other than that, most people are adults, and can figure that shit out. Like...if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. If it's too tight, go bigger, if it's too big, go smaller. Fuck off. (Listen to some Hendrix with me)

I'm sure there's more that I have in me, but I'll leave you with that for now. Don't want to yell at you guys for too long. But like I said, I'll try to write in here more, keyword being try. You guys all stay classy, who knows, maybe something exciting will happen soon and I'll have something cool to write about. Until then you'll just have to read about my shitty job I guess. Peace out my sexy beasts.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Your Body Is A Wonderland

When I said I'd write "this week" I lied. Alright, no I didn't, but I was out getting drunk and shit doing charitable work and helping myself grow as a person. Actually, I had a great weekend. I have to extend my congratulations to the graduates of Bridgewater State and Framingham State University, you guys rock. So many of my friends are moving on, and I wish you all the best of luck.

This past weekend, I ironically returned to Framingham for the first time since I left, on the day that I should have graduated, had I stayed there. Funny how life works. I had a great time in Framingham, or "Framingfram" as I was apparently calling it by the end of the night. Rekindled my old friendships, drank beer, and just had a jolly time.

I've been wicked busy getting shat on by life this week. Seriously haha. I went out to Tommy Doyle's on Wednesday, and rocked the open mic, which was a great time, but somehow I managed to lose my car/house/apartment/life keys in the meantime. Long story short, I was at Tommy's till about 3:30am, and still don't have my car keys. So, if you're reading this and have my keys, fuck you, I hope you choke on a dick. There's a much more detailed account of what went down that night by Matt, who was with me, which you can find here.

So that set the tone for a shitty week, I'm finally getting back into the swing of things by the time the weekend rolls around, and of course, Memorial Day Weekend on the Cape makes for a shitty work weekend. Now, I know I've been writing a lot about work lately, but that's all I do now. Seriously, it's like I go drink and go to work. Sweet life. Anyways, so the weekend was going alright, the tourists didn't suck too bad, but of course, that wouldn't last.

Now, we close at 6pm. This is posted around the mall, and in our store. I know it's odd for a mall to close so damn early, but fuck you guys, our mall sucks. So, of course, some self-righteous bitch decides to come in at 5:55pm. She doesn't make it up to the register until 6pm, which of course, now we're closed. The register wasn't working at all, so we informed her it may be awhile. Well, I put on my man pants and fixed shit, but she proceeded to bitch the entire time and ask for free shit.

Like seriously, I'm sorry you suck and can't shop at a normal hour, but fuck you, you pay for shit, and fuck you, you have to wait. I want to go home too. Bitch. LIKE. A. BASS.

Anyways, that's it for my ranting. I really don't have much other to complain about. I could target a specific part of my life and bitch, but I'll save that and do a wurt the furk later in the week (maybe). Like I said though, life is going pretty well. I'm happy. It's Summer, I'm hanging out, I'm doing what I want, life is good. If any of you are cool enough, I got my band, Hey Sandy, a show down in Plymouth in July, I'll let you know as it gets closer, but I'd love to see you all out there. It should be an awesome time.

I know I've been terrible at this 30 Day Photo Challenge, and I'm sorry, but it's time I don't have. So I'm dropping the "30 Day" from the title. I'll still finish it up. But at my own pace. But here you go, my treat to you

A picture of your biggest insecurity

 My body. I'm not out of shape, and I'm lucky enough to eat a ton of shit and still stay really thin, however, I'm not the spitting image of physical health that I could be. And of course, that's my own fault, I don't really do much to change that. But hey, maybe that will change, and maybe I'll get around to it.

I've never been muscular, or totally flat bellied, and maybe that's a goal to shoot for. Fuck you, Photo Challenge for making me lay myself on the line like this, haha. Now you all can see why it took me so long to do this one. It looks like the next one will come a lot more easily to me.

I hope you all enjoyed my vulnerability here, and I hope you all have a fabulous Memorial Day, and start your Summer off right. Peace out, bitches.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Like A Boss

I feel like I owe you all a legitimate blog to make up for the epic bitchfest that was my last one. So, since I love you all so much, that's what you'll get. Actually, I was inspired to write based on the epic rantings of Matt, who just wrote a great blog that you all should check out. Other sidenotes, the Red Sox are on a streak right now, and I couldn't be happier, however, if you've been following my blog, you know that that means I am a clean shaven man. So here you go, the end of the Sox Beard:

 It's like being a whole different person without my face sweater.

So that's that. For those who are wondering, there you go, that's what I'd look like if I was a 10 year old child. But on to some other things. First off, I suppose my whining the other night was a little over the top. Shit sucks sometimes, and I can be an over-dramatic bitch. Deal with it. But still, life's not that bad, and shit doesn't suck that much, so I suppose my bitching was a little uncalled for. 

Like I said, things really aren't that bad. I'm pretty happy, and keeping my newly found butt-chin up (Seriously, I didn't even know what my face looked like under there). Anyways, something else that has been on my mind of late is graduation and moving on. Now, I'm a little slow, and I'm doing things my way, so I'm in college another year while a great number of my friends are moving on to the real world. I'd like to take a quick minute here to congratulate all of you on your accomplishments, and I wish you all the best of luck in the scary real world. Hopefully our paths will cross again, or not.

With everyone moving on, it makes me think about what I actually want to do with my life, and that is some scary stuff. I really have no idea what I want to do. I'm in love with my major right now, and that's making it hard for me to choose. Do I go into radio? Do I go to TV? Do I make movies? Do I do PR? So many choices, and so little time. I've done some awesome stuff as a Comm major, and met some seriously awesome people. But I still feel that I'm so far away from figuring out what I actually want to do. All I do know is...

I do not want to be stuck at Bass for the rest of my life. Coming home for the Summer brings with it some awesome things, I get to see my old friends, eat my parents food, and drive 5 minutes to work instead of 40, however, I work a lot. Which means I have to deal with the bullshit of work, customers, and of course, the lovely people who I work with. Now, I'm a pretty chill guy at this establishment. I'm the manager who gets shit done, but in a way that isn't really overbearing or filled with pressure. So, I'm fairly laid back and easy going. However, I cannot stand when that is taken advantage of.

One disadvantage of being 22 and a manager is that a great majority of the people who I am in charge of are older than me. And not by small amounts. So I have to bust my ass to get a little respect. This is a littly ranty, but I've been dealing with some bullshit from people for the past few months, and I'm sick of it. But you know what, ain't nothin' gonna break my stride. I'm keeping this positive attitude, so fuck the haters.

On the topic of work, I cannot stand people. Just because I work at a shoe store does not make me your personal shopper bitch for the day, nor does it give you the right to talk down to me. Look, I'm sorry we have like no wide shoes for your flippers, but that's not a reason to get pissy. Another thing. In what twisted world did we agree that the customer is always right? Fuck that noise. I work here, I know the policies and rules, chances are, I'm right. Gotta love retail.

That's all I got for tonight. I've already bombarded you with links in here, but I'm not above leaving a song for you to check out and enjoy. So enjoy, and I promise I'll get around to the 30 day photo challenge. This week, you have my word. All my love.

Monday, May 16, 2011

You Can't Always Get What You Want

So it's 1AM on a Sunday night, or rather, a Monday morning at this point. I hardly ever write this late at night, usually because I'm trying to sleep or I'm trashed, but I have a few things on my mind that I need to spill out into the world. Up until now, things were actually looking up for me, and everything was happy and fun. However, recently, the proverbial shit hit the fan, and I'm left pissed off again. So that's why I'm here, writing to you all. Not really to complain, I just gotta get this stuff out though.

I've gone through a lot of shit the past few months. It's crazy to think that I've spent half a year trying to figure shit out, and I'm pretty much back in square one. It's strange to come full circle like this, but I've certainly learned a lot of things that will stay with me throughout all of this. I've learned to think about my actions before jumping into them, for one. My impulse, must-have-now, decision making has gotten me into trouble, and caused me a lot of hurt and simply put, bad decisions over the past months, and that's one thing that I'm really trying to work on as a person going forward.

This whole thing has shown me who really matters in the long run. There are some people who will stand by you no matter what, and there are those who come from nowhere and stick it out to be someone you can really count on. And then there are those who when things turn sour, they're nowhere to be found. Or they have nothing but condescending thoughts for you. There are so many people in this world, and surrounding yourself with negative people will get you nowhere.

I'm not trying to be a bummer in this post, and I know it's ironic that I just wrote a humorous rant, and here I am bitching again. But really, I want to try and stay positive. There's no need to bring negative energy into my life, and if I'm still following the philosophy behind "The Secret", I need to attract positive energy. There are a lot of positive people in my life, and I thank you guys so much for being there. For the people who are throwing negative energy at me, I issue you a big Cee Lo Green "Fuck You".

I really don't have much else to say at this late hour, other than I'm upset, but getting through it. Shit sucks, but there's no use being down. So here's to keeping my head up, and starting something new and awesome. Because awesome is what I'm all about. A great man once said, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need", and man, was he right. Rock on, loves.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Facebook Creepers

Alright everyone, it’s been almost two weeks since my last post here, and I’m sorry, my children, I did not mean to leave you like that. I’ve been super busy with finals and finishing up school, and then on top of it all I got sick, so there’s my list of excuses. You’re all welcome to come to my pity party, formal dress required. Other than my woes, not much has happened within the past two weeks that I’ve left you all. Cinco de Mayo happened, that was a good time, I put a dent in that alcohol cache that I had stocked up, and was more hung over than I have been in quite some time.

But you guys don’t really care about my drinking stories, and if you do, get to know me on a personal level (my Facebook and Twitter are over there in the whatsit, and look at that, I just linked them there too, such a nice guy I am). You guys come here for some other reason, whether it be to hear me bitch, or see what pictures I post regarding my life, or you accidently clicked on to here, and if that’s the case, sorry that I’ve wasted your time, continue your search for internet porn.

I usually talk about what’s going on in my life, but it seriously hasn’t been that much. I’m really happy with how things are now. All of my positive energy is really coming back to me in the ways that I want it to, and I couldn’t be happier. All of the pieces of the puzzle that has been my life for the past months are falling into place. I’m just a really happy guy. Which is very cool for me to say, because I haven’t been able to say that for a while. Things are really looking up…bitch.

But enough of that. There are a few things that I haven’t done in quite some time, and one of those is a Wurt the Furk. Now, like I said, I originally wanted to do these more often or weekly, but pshhhh, let’s be honest, I’m not that good. So now I just do them when something starts to bother me. I’m sure most of you can relate to this.

Wurt the Furk: Facebook Abusers
We all have those friends on Facebook that we cringe when we see their stupid little face pop up under anything someone posts. They’re that person that always has to say something. Regardless of how ignorant they sound. They have opinions and thoughts and the world needs to hear them. NOW.

Like seriously? There is no need comment on every fucking thing someone posts. Let me illustrate. Note that all names are made up or borrowed, and have no connection to actual people I’m talking about:

David Bowie is Out getting crunk! Wooo!
David Bowie loves it when I turn and face the strange
                Keith Richards OH MAN THAT SUCKS LOLOLOLOL

Like, seriously, Keith Richards, there’s a reason David Bowie doesn’t want to fucking hang out with you. Stop commenting on all of his shit. And don’t be fooled by my lame example, David Bowie isn’t the only one Keith Richards is bothering.
Seriously, look at Keith Richards. David Bowie is just trying to get his mack on. Total cockblock.

Other than just commenting on anything and everything, these special Facebook creatures find the need to broadcast their social and political views to the world. And if you don’t follow their beliefs, then holy shit, you are wrong. Contrary to popular belief, Facebook is a terrible place to post your political or religious or (insert other controversial subject here), it’s a place to reconnect with friends, or creep on the hotties. Giggity. Seriously, get your soap boxing, political bullshit outta here.

Another example of Facebook abuse that I hate is the pointless status. I was going to offend my actual friends by posting their real statuses, but that would be rude. But looking at the news feed right now, I see a whole lot of vague complaints, i.e. “wicked bad mood”, a lot of song lyrics that just hit you in that right spot, and of course the stereotypical “oUt WiTh mi GuRlZzZ <33343”. No one gives a shit. If you’re in a “wicked bad mood”, don’t post it on Facebook. Fucking call a friend, and say “Hey, I’m pissed off, talk to me about it.” Posting it on Facebook would be like gathering everyone you ever knew up together, and just saying, “Man am I in a bad mood”, and then making them guess what was wrong.

Argh. Now I’ve got myself going. ANOTHER THING. If you are going to use the computer, please learn
how to spell. Firefox even spell checks for you. Better yet, if you really want to be sure, you might as well type your comments in Word first, just to be sure. If that fails, well, then you probably shouldn’t be using a computer.

This is getting very long and ranty at this point, so I’m gonna wrap it up. I’ve written this whole thing in Word because Blogger is down for service right now, so I’m just waiting to post. I’ll leave you all with some tunage, and be sure to pass this shit on to your friends if you think they’ll like hearing what’s in my head. If not, then fuck you. Peace out, my lovers.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Power of Love

So I have some stuff that I really have to put out there today, after thinking about everything that has been going on. But first, as a totally unrelated note, it is fucking gorgeous outside. I'm currently laying in my grass in my front yard, writing this. Just so you all know and can be jealous. But this post isn't about how nice it is outside, or how "Right Me Up" is a perfect summery State Radio song, it's about my questions and opinions on world issues.

As most of you probably know, via it from the news, Twitter, or Facebook, Osama Bin Laden is dead. If you're ignorant like me, you found out from your friends Facebook statuses. Now, I'm not going to call anyone out here, but I do want to give you an idea of the posts I saw last night. Note that these are actual posts from my actual friends:"Osama Bin Laden, killshot, ftw", "About time we got that bastard", "America...FUCK YEAH", and "Ding dong, the witch is dead!". Now I want to put it out there that I in no way mean to make light of what this man has caused, but since when do we celebrate death?

(ed note: The following quote has been popping up on facebook, and it relates perfectly to what I'm saying here, so enjoy)

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

It's a known fact that Osama Bin Laden was a terrible man, who did terrible things, and his thoughts and actions took the lives of many Americans. However, I find it incredibly interesting that instead of celebrating our soldiers, many people are celebrating this mans' death. It's sad that the road to peace is often paved with so much hate. It's a cycle, in order to solve a problem, we usually instigate more of a problem in the process. Like I said, and I can already feel the negative repercussions of this post, I mean no disrespect to anyone in this.

However, at what point is it okay to kill someone? Does the government have a chart laid out based on peoples actions and their punishments? If we can all remember back to Saddam Hussien, he was given a trial and sentenced to death. This is different than hunting him down and killing him. However, this raises a whole issue that I have with these trials and the policies behind them. These injustices happen all the time, even here in the great USA. (See Troy Davis).

Jimi Hendrix had a great saying, one that plasters my bedroom wall, and I feel that his words are timeless and reign true today more than ever "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". In a world that is so filled with hate, love and peace are shockingly absent in many of our lives.

I know this isn't the usual posting that you'd expect to find here, and I hope no one was truly offended by this, but this is an issue that really did strike a chord with me. I'll leave you all with that to think about, maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's just how I think, or maybe I'm not. Here's a song that you should all check out, and the message in it is clear.

We all need to overcome the hate.

Duh, Winning

Well, it's Sunday night, so I figured I'd grace you all with a little bit of a blog. Actually, by the time I finish writing this, it will most certainly be Monday morning, and I fucking hate Mondays. However, I barely have anything to do tomorrow except hang out in a few classes, fix some stuff up, and then go celebrate a good friend's birthday with some karaoke (ed. note: That word is impossible to spell. You'd think there would be more e's in there or some shit. mer.)

I hope that you all had a fantastic weekend, I certainly did. I visited my favorite bar on Friday night, and had a swell time. You can read the glorified and over-exaggerated recanting of it on Matts' blog, which you can find in the whatsit to your left. It was a good time though, and good to get out and enjoy myself. I am finally roommateless in this apartment now, which is bittersweet. Obviously, if you all remember back to my lovely post about roommates, then you know that being solo here isn't the worst thing in the world, I actually think I've had my door open today more than I've had in the past year. However, I would love some company here, especially to help me drink all the booze I've procured.

I'm not an alcoholic. They go to meetings.

Anywho, that's embarrassing. But whatever. So yeah, I had a really great weekend. Amanda and I went to IKEA and the Christmas Tree Shop today, so you can bet your ass my house is all fancied up right now. I'm talking new shower curtains, rugs, kitchen shit. This place hasn't looked this good in the two years I've been here. However, I must say that it was Amanda's touch that put the whole thing together, I still wanted a rainbow of colors everywhere. Apparently you should only pick a few complimenting colors. Who knew? On a related sidenote, I fucking love IKEA. Like, everything in there screams at me to buy it, and it all looks like it would look amazing in my house. Also, I love their Swedish Meatballs. I've driven there just to eat the food, which is sad.

Nom nom nom

So, yeah. I'm in a really good mood tonight, and I think this weekend was a great way to start May. Also, Osama Bin Laden died? Pretty fucking badass. So I have high hopes for the month of May. I'm gonna keep on keepin on, and doing my thing. Trying to attract that positive energy into my life, and seeing where life takes me. I feel that it's working for me so far, so why stop now?

I was going to do the photo challenge tonight, but, I hate the topic of this one, so I'm gonna take a day or two and stew on that. I also was going to write a little more, but I'm fading fast. So I will leave you with you song, per the usual. Peace out, my children.