Moving on from that, my life has been going pretty spectacularly awesome lately. I just started my second and final Senior year at Bridgewater State University. Hopefully I'll finish that up real quick and move on to the big scary real world. I've started interning at Calling All Crows in Brookline, doing everything that I want to do with my life. I'm so happy to have such an incredible opportunity to help people and answer the call for human rights. I'm also starting to really like my job at Express, and I feel that I'm fitting in there well, and having fun doing it.
So that's all good. But there's one thing with the start of the school year that has been on my mind hardcore recently, and I have to get it out there for you all to read and take in, and hopefully follow. One of my favorite activities on campus is to people watch. I love it. I sit there, and I will make up a back story about anyone who walks by me. However, and, this extends to working at the mall, there are some very interesting fashion choices out there that I have to bring to everyone's attention. So here you go.
Chris Daly's Fall Fashion Do's and Don'ts
DON'T wear a jersey on a non-game day. With football season really starting in full force today, I feel like this is very prominent in our world right now. As cool as your new Danny Woodhead jersey, wearing it on a Wednesday just makes you look like a douchebag. Like what other options did you run out of in your closet that made you decide that that was your best choice? Jerseys are acceptable on game days and at sporting events. That's pretty much it. And don't even get me started about wearing out of season jerseys (ie, a basketball jersey in September)
Bitch would be wearing a Jordan jersey. Like seriously? Don't let yourself look like this.
DO actually get dressed and put some fucking thought into your day. Like, I don't understand how hard it is to actually put on a shirt and a pair of jeans or actual pants to go about your day. Sweatpants are for lounging around the house, not walking around campus. Double goes for PJ's. Like, put some effort into your appearance. What you wear to school or in public should be drastically different than what you wear around your house by yourself.
DON'T wear sleeveless shirts if you're a guy. Seriously? You're not at the gym, you're not sleeping. A wife-beater has never constituted a shirt, and it never will. Also, it's fucking September, how hot can it really be that you can't handle your shirt having sleeves on it. To top it off, you're probably wearing jeans, which is just an incredible juxtaposition of fashion going on all over your fucked up body.
Hey there, you're gonna fucking hate everything that comes out of my mouth.
DO dress appropriately for the current weather. As much as this bothers me, I feel like it's your own fault and should bother you a million times more. But this isn't your blog, so I get to bitch at you. For those of you who didn't go outside at all this week, it rained for literally the entire week. Your fucking daisy duke denim short shorts and rain boots are were not an acceptable outfit to brave the weather. Like, good for you, you put rain boots on, now where the fuck are your pants? You look retarded.
DON'T, and you all knew this was coming...fuck around with leggings. There's so much to say here, and I've already said a lot of it in a previous blog. Now, I may have come off a little harsh last February when I was bitching about this odd fashion trend, but I don't hate leggings. I hate how you ladies destroy the concept of leggings. Leggings can look great with like a long shirt or a tunic, or like a shirt dress, or something like that. But like, the leggings and a fucking t-shirt thing is retarded. They're not pants, they never will be. Like there's not need for you to rock your new leggings with that sequin Express tank top. You look retarded. Also, why the fuck do you wear Uggs with leggings? Like how confused is your body? Your feet think it's winter, your legs have no idea what the fuck is going on, and the rest of your body is fine. Ugh.
I just want someone to accept me even though I'm mentally retarded.
So that's about it for my Fall Fashion Tips, I'm sure I could scrounge up some more, but I'm done for now. I hope you all enjoy and pass it along. And have an awesome week or whatever, and I'll try and get back on here sometime soonski.
Peace and love, bitches.
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