Wanna play a game?
Aside from my made up excuses, I have been so unbelievably busy this year with life and everything. I'm working 4-5 days a week at Club Express, interning in Brookline with Calling All Crows, going to school full time, and trying to fit anything else in there as well. So, yeah, I've been pretty busy. On that note of interning, I've been working on organizing and getting my life together for next weeks' 3rd Annual Northampton Halloween 5K. I cannot wait for this event, and it's been so amazing to see everything come together. This year, we've been raising money for Afghan women, and only $26 will provide a month of shelter for a woman overseas. If anyone reading this wants to help out -- and really, anything will help -- you can donate here: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=120251
Aside from that, I feel like I owe you guys, my readers, the general internet public, an actual blog. I won't disappoint. I know it's been a while, but surely, I still have it in me. So, in my busy busy life, I've been spending my time split between the Independence Mall, Bridgewater State University, and the MBTA. So, I've been people watching like a motherfucker. So here are just some general notes that I've picked up from my travels and life.
- If you're going to the mall, don't dress like a hooker. Seriously, I don't even know why I have to write this. If you're going out to go shopping, and I'm not talking to like some fancy place, I'm talking the run down, piece of shit, Kingston Mall, there is no need to bust out your mini skirt and your best stilettos. You look like a hooker, and I'm judging you so hard.
- If you're 13, get away from me. I'm not the best with children, but I admit the fact. I'm not patient, and I don't understand how to speak to them. All of this made my time at Build a Bear very interesting. However, now that I'm not forced to deal with young folk, get the fuck away from me. I don't know when the mall became the cool place to dump your little shits off on a Friday night, but stop it right now. And don't you even think to ask to bum a cigarette.
I swear, they get younger every year.
- Why are you talking to me? This one holds true mainly for the MBTA community that I have come to love so much. If I'm sitting there with my zebra sunglasses on and my iPod at an unhealthily loud decibel level, why do you feel the sudden urge to try and start a conversation with me? We don't know each other, our only commonality is the fact that we're using the same public transportation. I don't want to hear your jokes, or your interpretation of the problems existing in our society today. Shut the fuck up and get where you're going, I'll do the same.
- Are you seriously eating that right now? This is another MBTA pet peeve that happens all too often for me. I am one of the biggest fans of the McDinner, trust me, but there is a time and a place. The Red Line, for instance, is no place to eat your double quarter pounder and fries. Not only does the entire car now smell like McDinner, now I'm starving and I hate you.
This is what you look like, girl on the Red Line. And I hate you.
- This is not fucking nap time. This one has bothered me recently. It seems every time that I trek to Bridgewater State University to work on some of my scholarly studies, I spend a fortnight looking for a place to set up my computer. "Why?", you ask, "Surely the school must have designated areas for computers!?". Yes, they do, however, 90% of the space is taken up by people either sitting on Facebook or taking a fucking nap. Grow up, get out, and let me get my shit done.
- This one is for my lovely lady, Melissa, who recently pointed this annoyance out to me...Why do you have a purse and a backpack? Like, what classes do you have that you needed to pack fucking luggage to get you through the day. You look ridiculous and there is no need for your excessive belongings. Bridgewater should start charging for extra bags like most airlines, which will effectively weed out your obnoxiousness from my life.
This is what you look like, and I want to call you ridiculous.
That's all I got for today, and I'm not even going to promise to get back into the game more often, because I don't know if I'll have the time. I'll try for you all. I'll post pictures and an update from my 5K Weekend with Calling All Crows, that I can promise. Like I said, if anyone was interested in donating, I would greatly appreicate it. (http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=120251). You guys are all awesome, keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
Peace and Love.
People eating on the T bothers me, too.
Good to see another post. Even if they're not all that frequent, some semi-regular updates are good!
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