Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No Pressure, Whatever, It's Like Walking On the Beach

So reader(s) out there, be impressed that I'm actually keeping up with this. I usually lose interest pretty fast. Granted it is only day four of these shenanigans, but hey, I'm patting myself on the back.

I don't really have a lengthy life update for you all today, but I do have "Money For Nothing" stuck in my head, so here's that:

Onto this photo-erotic experience.

Day Four
A picture of your favorite night
August 6, 2008. This wasn't hard to decide at all. This was an amazing night where Amanda and I saw Jack Johnson. Seeing Jack Johnson was an awesome experience in itself, and I would love to see him again, however, this night set the tone for the rest of my life, and started something incredible.
This also goes on record as one of the first nights Amanda didn't totally hate me before Summer of 2008. Before that I was the loser who she had to drive to work with the goofy hair (pictured one of the the previous posts). Not that I wasn't still a goofball, but look at that face...that's a mans face.

Anyways, that night is most certainly my favorite night, and I would love to relive it, and wouldn't change a thing.

Keep on keepin' on errybody.


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